"I'm Carly West." I told him.

Riley smiled, showing off straight white teeth. "I know, you said your name earlier."

I gave him a slight nod of my head. I didn't remember telling him my name but I am, of course, still in shock. 

"Excuse me, ma'am?" I looked up to see and elderly cop with a white goatee that matched his graying hair. "Do you mind coming with us for an emergency court meeting?"

Fear struck again. "Why? What's going on?"

"You need immediate protection. Even though there is enough evidence found on the crime scene and the victim to figure out who the suspect, the investigation procedure will take about a month. And since the suspect is not in custody, you will have to be put under strict watch."

I didn't like the sound of this. "What does that mean?" 

"You said that the suspect had seen you and pointed a finger at you. We see this as some kind of warning that they will come after you."

"Oh, God." I started crying again and Riley rubbed my back.

"Don't worry, ma'am. We will have you under serious protection. You will have a far guard and a near guard around you at all times. You'll be protected, just in case the suspect tries anything. You will be under witness protection."


Blake's POV

Blair Bradley's number glowed on my phone and I sighed.

Carly probably went to the Santa Monica pier, where Blair and Aiden were spending the day, and cried to my little sister about what just happened. Now, she's calling to bitch at me.

I don't need this. I feel like shit already.

I pressed 'answer' and braced myself for the yelling. "Blair, I know what you're going to say--"

"Blake! Oh my God. Carly-- she-- I--- happened--- dead--- okay?" she hiccuped from the other line.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in irritation. "I fucked up, I know, but this is for the best. I know what I'm doing." I told her.

"What are you talking about? Carly's in---"

My phone beeped again, cutting off what Blair had to say, and I looked down to see the number for the police academy's dean pop up. 

Oh, shit. I had been waiting for this call.

Since this was my last year in college, I was required to enter the Los Angeles Police Academy along with the Criminal Justice major I was working on in UCLA. To pass, you have to succeed in an assignment that the dean assigns you with. Graduation was in six months and I was yet to do my big final project. The PA notifies you when an assignment arises, hence the call I was presently getting from the dean. If I passed the assignment, I will automatically graduate from the academy.

I put the phone back to my ear. "Blair, I have to go. I'll call you later, bye." 

"But Blake---!"

I clicked 'end' and then 'answer'. "Hello?" I said. I was feeling anxious and fidgetty.

"Blake Bradley?" a man on the other line said.

"Yes, sir."

"We have your final assignment but it is urgent and we need you at the court meeting right away. Do you accept?"

Right now? Shit, I didn't feel up to it right at the moment. I couldn't stop thinking about Carly and how devestated she had sounded. But I knew I couldn't pass this up. The next assignment probably won't happen for another month and I needed to get this done.

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