Is It Time To Go Home?

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"You ready, love?" Edward asked.

He was leaning against the bonnet of his Volvo, the others had already left as they had decided to drive from Forks to Virginia. They were each driving their own cars from the garage, with the exception of Jasper who was riding behind the convoy on his Ducatti, and Renesmee who had decided to complete her journey to Mystic Falls with Emmett in his Jeep.

"No, but I have to be ready to go eventually..." Bella trailed off, leaning up to kiss him before walking over to her car and starting the engine. As they didn't need to stop at any rest stops, it only took the clan eight hours to drive from Forks to Mystic Falls.

The first place they headed upon their arrival was to was the new house. They drove through the town and past the high school they would be attending as juniors on the way. Only Edward, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie and Bella would be starting school, as they believed Renesmee was still too young. Carlisle would bd working at Mystic Falls General, of course. Esme would mostly be at home, taking care of and tutoring Renesmee so that she could eventually go to school with the others.

They spent the night unpacking and by three in the morning, Bella found herself at the gates to Mystic Falls Cemetery, but she couldn't make her feet move from underneath her. She reached over and took the old padlock in her hand, twisting it until it snapped open. She pushed the gates open and walked slowly through the stones to the Salvatore crypt. Stopping in front of the locked doors, she found herself stuck again, reluctant to walk inside. Knowing that her brothers were inside, her heart broke all over again. After what felt like hours, she slowly began to walk away from the crypt and towards the gate, closing it securely behind me, without ever entering the crypt. She quickly made her way back to the new house, knowing that Carlisle and Esme had enrolled them in school, starting that very morning. Bella quickly ran back into the house and up to her room to get ready before Renesmee woke up, Edward was in there reading on the couch.

"How was it?" He asked quietly, knowing where she had been. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist snugly.

"It was fine, I think, but I really need to shower and get ready before Renesmee wakes up. Do you think I can drive my car to school today?" Bella wondered, pulling the best puppy-dog eyes she knew her husband couldn't deny.

Edward smiled slightly, wrapping her in his strong embrace.

"You know that I can't say no to you, just don't make a habit out of it." He said, kissing her forehead before leaving the room to allow her to prepare for the surely torturous day ahead. It took her less than half an hour to get ready, and by that time Renesmee was awake and eating breakfast downstairs.

"Morning, honey." Bella greeted her daughter, kissing her forehead as she walked past the kitchen island.

"Hi, mommy." She smiled a brilliant smile that reminded Bella of Edward every time.

"Will you be okay here with her today, you know she can be a handful sometimes." Bella laughed, going to give Esme a hug.

"I'm sure that everything will be fine, and I have your number if I have any difficulties. Besides, Carlisle doesn't start work until next week so maybe we can take her out, how about that honey?" Esme asked, looking at Renesmee.

Renesmee giggled at her grandmother, nodding her head wildly.

"Okay guys, time to go." Alice announced, coming down the stairs and throwing Bella her car keys, having seen that she wanted to drive today.

Everyone bid goodbye to Esme, Renesmee and Carlisle before they walked out of the front door. Bella got into her Ferrari, Emmett followed after announcing that he was riding with her today, and everyone else piled into Rosalie's car.

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