Chapter 29: The Old Skeletons {with flesh}

Start from the beginning

'Papa, you know I never cared about that. He is my brother and you have given him that place as your another son. Why will I be offended? In fact, I am so happy to see you now that everything is falling into place. I have got my love of my life, which is Radhika, I mean Ayushi, as you have known her.' said Arjun with a slight blush creeping up his cheeks.

If it was another situation, Radhika would have pulled Arjun's legs ruthlessly but there are more pressing matters than her husband's leg pulling. She glowered at the snake who is looking at her with a bemused smile on his face. What could be his motive to come out of hiding, now of all times? He would have come to his son when he had landed in India, but he didn't. That means this is very serious matter. She didn't understand the reason why he was out of his hiding when police were still on man hunt for him!

Dragging her out of her thoughts, Prithvi Mehra said, 'but I don't remember her like this...' he said moving his hands up and down her face, 'did I miss something, my son?'

'Papa, she tried to save Ma from the fire and got herself burned in the process. But father of Vikas here, pulled some strings and got her treated and grafting treatment was done to restore the burnt body parts' skin. It was a wonder she was even survived the situation.' answered Arjun his throat thick with emotion.

What would have happened if not for Vikas and his family helping Sweta Ma and Ayushi that time! He really didn't want to go there and push him into more guilt than he was already in. He caught his wife's eye that time and saw the assurance from her that everything is alright now. He smiled and looked back at his father. Why is Sweta Ma or Radhika didn't wish his father? He should not have found this odd because their relationship with his father is always strained, he didn't know why. So he left the thought and turned towards his father to listen him talk to Pawan and catching up on the matters. It is so good to see every missing piece of the puzzle is falling into place and he got the final piece in front of him.

Radhika caught her husband's eye and assured him that everything is fine. But is everything really fine? After this man came into their lives? What is he going to do now that he knows she is Ayushi? Will he try to kill her like he killed Arjun's mother? All their lives are at peril because of one person, no, a parasite and he goes by name Prithvi. Does he even know the meaning of his name? Huh! How could such a parasite know that? He doesn't have any attributes that any King has to have. He is selfish, loathsome, ruthless murderer. She thought he would have died by now. But no, sinners have long lifetimes as her mother said once. That was proven again by the filth that is standing in front of her now. She looked at Vikas for any help but his face is unreadable. What is he thinking now? Is he replaying all the events that happened during the accident like she had when she first saw Prithvi Mehra?

Vikas turned to see Radhika watching him. He knew what she must be thinking. But he is not going to let the murderer loose again. This time, the father of Arjun will be behind bars for a lifetime and he will make sure of that. He saw what he did to a pious soul like Maya aunty (Arjun's mother). She has been his angel. When he was deprived of mother's love at an young age, she came to him and showed him the sweetness of mother's love again. He believed that happy moments last in his life too but this Prithvi had snatched that from him and he is not going to leave him now.

Hitesh knew the tension that is brewing among the others and Arjun and Pawan are blissfully unaware of this. What should he do now that the asshole of Arjun's father came back from dead? He knew how much Vikas must be controlling himself not to throttle the bastard and pummel him to ground. But this is not the right time. Instincts may say to kill now but they cannot take down a person like Prithvi Mehra with no plan in their hands. They have to plan and play with Prithvi for a while and then they can take him down.

Prithvi is watching the real show of emotions on Sweta. She is nervous. Why? Even after all this time, she thinks him to be a loathsome idiot. He is not opposing her, he is that and more. But still, didn't the years teach her anything? She carries her emotions on her sleeve. If she looks him like that and the attention of his son is turned to her, his plan will go down the drain even before he started the chain reaction. First he needs to take care of his sister-in-law and his daughter-in-law... He mentally spat in disgust. How come these people are related to a person like Chandra? Chandra has same personality like him. Chandra wanted money, he wanted more money. Chandra wanted women, he wanted more women. That is how their business is dealt. Both the mother and daughter could go to hell for all he cares. He needed his son... For him and for Chandra.

'Beta! I think Sweta is not happy seeing me come back after all this time.' he said looking at his son innocently.

'Papa! Why will she be sad? She is just surprised to see you after a long while.' answered Radhika emphasizing the word "Papa" and looked at him with a sweet smile.

If sweetness could kill, Prithvi would have been dead by now. His son is lucky bastard to get a girl like this. Why did he not encounter any girl like her in his days! He would have made her his Queen and would have showered her with all jewels. His bad luck is on his side and his good luck had been assigned to his son, it seems. How do anyone deal with a feisty girl like her?

'Sir! You came here now. We all will be happy.' said Pawan.

Not us --- thought the others except Arjun.

'We will know Maya aunty's absence more now that you are here. You were always a perfect couple for me and I idolize you guys.' continued Pawan oblivious to the anger that was built in the other people in the room.

'Of course, Pawan. We all will be happy again. I miss Maya too. She is such a sweet lady and I loved her a lot.' said Prithvi and mentally gagged himself. Love and her... Never in million years.

'But beta, I am here now for another reason entirely. I need your help and Chandra needs it too. As of now, he is not in the country, he will be here soon though.' continued Prithvi getting to the point before any of the beautiful ladies take out a knife and kill him already. He knew they will not do that but chances are not less that he will be killed today, either by them or someone else. The clowns that are standing beside his new ladies of the house are glaring at him as if he took something precious from them. Who can blame him, huh? For many great things to happen, there will be a sacrifice of innocent souls -- it is the truth and will remain the truth. The expression on the lovely ladies' faces is marvellous and a treat to watch. They thought his loyal dog is dead too, isn't it? No, he never allows the people who he wants to die and so his dog and their husband and father is alive and will reach here at any moment. Now the games start in their splendour.

'I hope I am not ruining anything that is already going on here.' said a sarcastic voice from the doorway.

"This day is getting really gloomy as it is passing." Thought Sweta, Radhika, Hitesh and Vikas.


Tada tada. End of the twenty-nineth chapter. Can you believe this, next chapter will be thirteeth one. I am giddy thinking this itself. It is my first story to write more than five chapters. Didn't expect this and didn't expect the love for this story from you all. And before I become a crying mess, thank you so much for the love and belated happy sankranti everyone. I thought to post this chapter before or on Sankranti, trust me. But the relatives and the work didn't allow me to do that. Sorry if this chapter is short. I wanted to give a brief introduction to THE villains of this story, so basically this chapter is all that. So much more to come, I am so excited, are you??

Now you know all the skeletons from the closet came out with a flesh on them, the danger hanging on the innocents will also be increased. I am not talking just about the main characters but also innocent people of the country. I don't feel to act devilish right now. So leaving it here.

Please vote and comment your reviews and I will see you, most probably, very soon.

Till next time, Sayonara. And I love you all.

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