Look On The Bright Side

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Chapter 7

Azul's POV

Sometimes it was confusing, sometimes I wanted to just throw everything to the side and shout I give up. Then he reminds me why everything is okay, the reason why I keep moving forward. Chase. He's the one guy that I never saw coming, my mate, never in a million years did I imagine he was mine.

It's still shocking to me, I keep replaying that single moment I found out he was mine as I was his. It made me smile, see, Greyson was destroying me. I felt like he threw me as far away from myself as he possible could, and I'm scrambling to try and get myself back together. He was breaking me. He was trying to take my position. He wanted to be Alpha.

The worst part of it?

I fucking believed him.

I thought that maybe, just maybe he would actually love me. No. He wanted my power, he wanted my position, damnit he used to be my best friend! He betrayed me. All those memories, I can't fix them, I can't get them back. All the time I could've been with Chase, he was there instead. He marked me for goddess's sake! He marked what isn't his!

Chase has told me he'd fix it, he promises he'll fix it. I want it gone, I want his mark, right now. I don't want Greyson's mark, I don't want our scent to be combined. I hate him with every fiber in my body and soul. I could feel my eyes darkening as I became angrier and angrier, it seemed I had no control whatsoever of my emotions. I needed to calm down.

(Honestly I love this gif cuz I can actually visualize when their eyes darken!)

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(Honestly I love this gif cuz I can actually visualize when their eyes darken!)

My thoughts were shattered as Chases scent forced me out of my little rant. I blinked rapidly, my eyes fading back to their normal color and every muscle in my body relaxed as I looked up at this lean figure. A toothy grin was on his face as he leaned down to plant a kiss on my forehead.

"I missed you." He murmured, burying his face into the crook of my neck. Ever since he figured out I was his mate, Chase has been literally attached to my hip. Very clingy. I didn't mind it in the least bit, I just wasn't used to it.

"I missed you too." I hummed back, wrapping my arms around his torso. "Even though I saw you 3 hours ago." I could feel Chase pouting against me, clearly not finding the statement very funny.

"That's way too long." I just snorted, goddess this was funny. Who knew he could get so clingy and attached in less then a day? None that I knew of, besides Chase. "Ooohhh we should go for a run!" Those were the magic words, Sage instantly started bouncing around in my head. She howled and pranced around, nodding her head rapidly. We need to! She barked. I internally groaned, then smiled at my mate and nodded.

"Yea sure, okay. Sage wants to stretch her legs."

"Storm wants to meet Sage." Chase hummed, almost looking lost in thought.

"Then let's go silly." I grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers together as I led him out of our room and towards the forest. Chase was the first to shift, and Sage went nuts over his wolf. Storm was a combo of brown and black, with bits of grey here and there. His ears, muzzle, legs, and tail were all the darkest shade of black/brown, while the rest of him is more of different patches of whites, blacks, and browns. To top it off he had these piercing, pale gold eyes.

I walked behind a tree and stripped my clothes off before shifting, I could hardly control Sage as she dragged me over towards Storm, rubbing herself against the slightly larger male. Now that I noticed, his wolf and mine were about the same size. Even when I'm Alpha. Chase licked the top of my head before bounding away, clearly ready to race. I have him my wolfy grin before racing past him with a playful growl.

And so it begins.


Chase's POV

We ran around and played for about 2 hours before she ordered us back home. Goddess was she commanding, and I'm not complaining.

Now we are currently laying on her bed, spooning. I never would've took her as a cuddling girl but damn she's good. She knows how to nuzzle herself right into me. She's my weakness.

"Tomorrow I have a meeting with the nearby packs, and I want you to attend." She said softly, as she traced up and down my chest with her pointer finger. It was so soothing I almost didn't hear her.

"You want me to come?" I was shocked, did she really? Azul looked up at me with those big, brown eyes and smiled.

"Not only were you my Beta but now you are my mate, and I want you to be there Chase. The clingier and more attached you get the more I feel the need to be with you. Constantly. I don't know what you do to me." She murmured, and I flipped us around so I was laying ontop of her with my face buried into the crook of her neck.

"I'll be there princess." I whispered, planting a kiss on her collarbone which made her shiver.

Her delicate fingers traveled to the back of my neck as she began to trace again, then halfway massage the back of my neck. Her touch was addicting, her scent drove me nuts. I was an addict and she's my drug. I can't seem to ever get enough of her.

Ever since that night I found out she is mine, I've changed. The way I see the world, it changed. Azul made everything brighter. Hell, she became my world.

"I'm glad you'll be there." She murmured, kissing the side of my face as my eyes fluttered shut, and I just laid there, letting her scent engulf me, allowing her to calm my nerves by tracing the back of my neck. Her fingers periodically tangled up in my hair, I just laid there and felt her. The sparks that ignited everywhere we touched. Goddess it's an amazing feeling.

I wouldn't trade it, or her, for anything in the world.


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I apologize but yes this chapter was kinda sorta more of a filler then an actual chapter, it allowed Chase and Azul to bond closer and push aside all the drama. This chapter was just for them.

Honestly they are so cute and I love how clingy Chase is, ughhh why can't guys irl be like that.

Welp Ima go to bed, hope you all are having an amazing day/night! Buh bye my lovelies!




Eat Nutella (unless you can't)

Buh bye my smol beans! 💙

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