Chapter 6

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Emil was relieved when they had finally reached the castle or his new home as he should refer to it as. He stared up at the the tall building in amazement. He had never seen a castle or any building for matter so big.

Leon set a hand on the amazed boy's shoulder. "It's big, but not that much to be amazed about," he looked at the boy. "We will be sharing a room which also means a bed. Is that fine with you? If not I can make new arrangements quickly for you to have a room of your own,"

Emil shook his head. "No it's fine. We'll have to sleep together sometime anyway so might as well start now," he looked away shyly and followed Yao inside.

"We will have snacks soon an then we will go to bed," Yao declared and sent a servant off.

Emil examined the servant with interest then looked away feeling rude for staring. Leon looked at him curiously. "Is there something wrong with our servant?"

Emil shook his head. "No I'm just used to them," Leon looked at him confused. "Lukas taught me to do things on my own, that's why I answered the foot and not a servant. I mean we have them but we do use them for much. Matthias cooks and I help Lukas clean,"

Leon smiled and touched Emil's hand gently. "Well unfortunately you won't be doing any if that when we're married?" He leaned over and kissed his cheek.

Once they got inside Leon guided Emil to their shared room. Emil looked around in amazement. It was a beautiful Chinese theme with a bright red wall. "Wow it's so beautiful," Leon chuckled at him.

"Emil, what're you comfortable with? Is it fine if I touch and kiss you?" He asked. Emil tilted his head which Leon noted as cute. "I don't mind the kissing but I don't want too much touching yet," Leon nodded in understanding and kissed Emil's cheek.

"Alright I promise I won't do more than you want me to do," he said softly and held Emil's hand.

Emil blushed and nodded. He took a small breath and kissed him fully as he held his hand.

Leon looked at him surprised but soon kissed back he moved his hands to Emil's waist as he deepened the kiss. He stuck his tongue out and let out a small noise as Emil opened his mouth and let him in.

The prince shall arriveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن