Chapter 20

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The two were bonded. Through marriage, through heart and heart and soul, and through kingdoms. Once the emperor had passed, Leon took control over his kingdom with Emil as his helper, both having very important parts on choices for the land. Although the two are not able to bear children, they adopted orphans here and there so that the name could be passed on for generations to come.

After awhile of the two kingdoms combining, Emil was allowed to visit his family; only if Leon or a bodyguard accompanied him for safety reasons.

The two lived happily together, lying hand in hand together as the grew older. Their adventures slowed and they worried about less. The couple spent more time together, learning each other and learning how to love the other more each day.

By the time their lives were running short, they knew every detail of the other. Right down to trivial details such as their favorite color. The two were perfect and smiled every day until their lives to an end and they were buried, the next in line taking control and running the faithful kingdom just as their parents wanted of them. 

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