Chapter One ~ PAX

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(Y/N) - Also pretend like no one knows what Smii7y looks like. It's 2015 btw....

It was the first day of PAX East. I an 18 and had on some of the Banana Bus Crew merch. It was cold outside, but today was pretty nice. I was waiting in line talking to my new friend. Her name was Sarah. She had dark brown long hair, and blue eyes. She was tan and she was wearing some of the Banana Bus Crew merch. I went with my friends, but for right now they were talking to someone behind me. The doors were about to open.

"How much longer till we can go inside?" Sarah asked rubbing her arms from the cold.

"I-in about 15 minutes." I stuttered from being cold myself. "I hope I get to see Mini, or John. But I really want to see Smii7y. I just wish I knew what he looked like."

"Oh me too. I've never heard of someone that's met him." Sarah said looking through Instagram. "Oh!!! Look at this!!" She shoved her phone in front of my face. I moved her arm out of the way and giggled. She seemed to be really excited for this.

"What is this? Wait." It was a picture on Smii7y's Instagram, of the front of the PAX building. It was far from we were. We were more in the front of the line area thing. He was far behind us.

"Wait he's gonna be here today?! Find John, you find Smii7y." I was so nervous. This was my first time at PAX and I was already planning on meeting so many of the BBS crew members.

"Alright. I can't wait for this." Sarah said slightly bouncing up and down. I bounced along with her.

"We have... 3 minutes left now." I said, my smile widening more than I thought was possible. "If we can meet them, this will be the best PAX ever."

"Can't wait." Sarah said looking down at her watch nonstop.

"Sarah relax. Just be patient." That was hard for me to say. My stomach was going crazy. I was so nervous to see everybody.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. We will be opening our doors in 1 minute." The announcers voice floated over the crowd. Once he said this everyone cheered. He continued once it calmed down. "To this everyone needs to make sure their badges are out and ready to be presented. All bags need to be checked and take all metal objects out of your pockets."

I started hitting my friend Alli's arm. "WE. ARE. ALMOST. INSIDE." I whisper yelled at her.

"I. Can't. Wait." Alli said with an amazing grin.

"Are you fucking ready for this?" I turned to Sarah.

"Heck fucking yeah borther." She said back.

"Oh! Before you leave what's your number? I'd like to hopefully keep in touch." I said pulling out my phone.

"Oh yeah. Here let me enter my number on your phone, and you'll do the same with mine?" She asked giving me her phone. I nodded and started to type in my number. I finished and Sarah gave me my phone back.

The line started moving. This might be that last time I saw her for a while. "Welp, this is goodbye I guess. I hope I see you later this weekend!!"

"I hope I see you too!!" She leaned in and we hugged. It was short and then we both went through the metal detector. We then parted for the day.

I went looking around with my friends. We went to go meet some of the members (wasn't there so I dont know who exactly was there sadly :( )

We met some of the members and got some of their autographs. Alli just rolled her eyes everytime I freaked out when I saw someone. We saw some of her favorite YouTubers and some of Vivian's (my other friend) favorite YouTubers.

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