Ch. 19: Miss Mystic Falls

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I had a glass of blood in my hand when I heard the doorbell, and I opened it to see Anna.. "I suppose I should be grateful. You learned how to use the bell."

"I'm here on behalf of my mother," Anna said as she walked in.

"On behalf of or in spite of?" I asked as I shut the door.

"I'm sorry about what the other vampires did to Stefan," Anna told me as I took a sip of blood. "Abducting him, torturing him . . ." I pulled the glass away from my lips. "It wasn't supposed to go down like that."

"You're playing house with half a tomb of really pissed off vampires," I said. "What do you think was going to happen?"

"My mom is devasted. They tried to overthrow her."

"Why isn't she here telling me this?"

"She doesn't really do apologies."

"Well, it's a coincidence, 'cause I don't really do forgivenesses when it comes to vampires trying to kill my family. Just run along." I turned to face her. "And if you're going to continue playing house with those little vampire pets, you might wanna stop robbing the blood bank dry, because Damon told me they're onto it."

" I haven't been to the local blood bank in at least a week," Anna said.

"Then, it's one of your others."

"The others are gone, Kaylin."

"Well--" I looked away, then back to him. "Where did they go?"

"They weren't cut out for this town," Anna answered. "After what happened with your brother, my aunt kicked them out and they took off. It's just us and Harper now."

Then who could it be?

I thought about Stefan instantly. What if he wasn't as good as he said he was?


"How was school?" I asked as she pushed away from the wall, Stefan walking into the house.

"Fine," Stefan answered.

"Yeah?" Damon asked. "Same old, same old? Nothing new? No stories to bring home?"

Stefan gave him a suspicious look. He looked at me "Okay, I understand Kaylin making small talk, but not you, so . . ." He looked back at Damon. "Why?"

I looked at Stefan. "You seem awfully chipper lately, less doom and gloom, a little more pep in your step."

"And you two think it's because I drank human blood again," Stefan stated.

"I don't want to brag, but I would definitely take responsibility for this new and improved you," Damon said.

"I hate to burst your bubbles, but I'm clean," Stefan replied.

"Yeah, not possible," I sang, looking away.

"Not only is it possible, but it is quite true."

"Stefan, just be serious for a second," Damon said. "You spent the last century and a half being a poster child for Prozac, and now you expect us to believe that this new you had nothing to do with human blood. Nothing."

Stefan shrugged as he backed away. "I'm clean."

"You're lying!" I complained.

"Believe what you want."


Later on, I followed Stefan down to the basement to see a fridge full of blood and Stefan holding a pouch.

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