Chapter 2

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The car was moving along the road at a medium pace. Jungkook stared outside the window at the people he saw while passing the streets. There were woman wearing short dresses with high heels, looking like they were going to a club, and there men accompanying them wearing suits of all kinds. Then there were the odd couple dodgy looking people, hidden in alleyways. Jungkook just sighed as he saw the streets go by.

The stars shone bright against the dark sky. It was an innocent night. One which would be simple and quiet to get through.

Jin spoke up breaking the silence.

"How was work today?"

Jungkook stayed silent before answering.

"Ahh same as always, hyung. What about you? How's your first day at work now that you're a proper chef, hmm?"

Jin smiled slightly at the mention of work.

"It was actually amazing. Everyone there is so kind and welcoming and the atmosphere is very cheerful. They also have new, fancy equipment! Ahh I love it," the elder replied.

"Wow sounds awesome hyung! Bet you can't wait to go back there," said the boy.

Jin gave a small hum as the calm silence took over the car again. It was comfortable for the two male's as they sat silently in the car. Not a word need be said.

The younger saw bright lights in the distance, shining against the dark roads. As the car got closer, Jungkook could make out the outline of the building as well as what the lights spelled out.

"Here we are. Let's stop here and get some food. I'm absolutely starving," the elder of the two spoke, breaking the silence.

The younger hummed in agreement as he saw the shop coming into view.

The car turned a corner as it entered the parking lot. When Jin found the perfect place to leave the vehicle, he parked there.

The elder got out the car first, ready to just buy the food and go. The other, however, slowly stepped out while yawning. It was getting late.

They walked silently towards the store. The bright lights inside the shop shone bright through the windows, making it obvious to anyone against the dark night sky.

The automatic doors slid open when the two walked inside. The breeze from the air conditioning blew lightly against them at the doors. The store was empty except from the person at the till and the duo who just entered.

Jin headed towards some shelves as Jungkook lightly tugged his sleeve.

"Jin hyung can I go look at the sweets?" The younger begged with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

Jin just sighed and nodded while answering, "Okay. I'll let you choose one thing so don't go and pick every sweet on the candy isle."

Jungkook let out a wide grin as he replied sassily, "who do you take me for, hyung? I'm a mature adult, not a six year old."

The elder shook his head. "Sometimes I question that myself." He sighed.

Jungkook let out a small 'hmph' as he walked away from Jin, heading towards the candy section.

The younger saw bright colours occupying the shelves towards the back of the shop. He immediately headed there with a smile on his face.

Meanwhile Jin walked towards where the instant noodles were. He's been here enough times to know where most foods were placed. He saw a wide selection of noodles to choose from. He knew Jungkook liked the blue packet, so he picked that up for him. The choice was difficult for the elder he couldn't choose between chicken or beef. Tough decision.

Jungkook stated longingly at the different sweets. He couldn't make up his mind and he knew for a fact the elder wouldn't let him buy everything. He was a mature adult. This should be easy. However eventually after some time he decided on a lollipop. But what flavour?

The door made a small 'ding' signalling someone entered the shop. Or maybe more than just one person. Three people wearing all black entered the small store. No one suspected anything yet.

The duo was too absorbed in choosing something, to notice the entrance of the group. The cashier, a middle aged man, was on his phone that was hidden under the desk. He didn't notice, much less care, of the arrival.

Jungkook stared at the selection of lollipop goodness. Strawberry. That was his final decision. The boy picked up the lollipop, before a loud gunshot echoed through the shop. He put the lollipop in his pocket as to not loose it as he fearfully poked his head round the corner as he saw it. The image that was laying before him made him freeze with fear.

Two men were standing by the checkout. One man was laying his head on the table, the cashier. Dead.

The cashier was resting eternally on his own blood. The two men was blocking Jungkook from seeing the dead man in detail, which helped the boy stay quiet and to not give his position away. He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. But he was frozen.

He looked at the two men. One held a gun in his hand while the other was filling up a bag with the money from the cash register. It was a robbery. A terrifying one at that, thought the boy still hidden behind the shelves stacked with sweets. Jungkook was silently crying. He could call the police but he left his phone in the car. Stupid, he was so stupid.

Jin. Was his hyung okay? Oh god, he has to get to Jin. Jungkook slowly retracted his head from the grotesque scene, after a lot of effort. He wanted to look away but for some reason he couldn't. But he managed.

The boy was crouched on the floor trying to be as stealthy as possible. He turned around, only to bash into a pair of legs.


Except it wasn't.

A third guy was there. He was wearing a black hoodie and jeans with a mask covering his face. He held a knife towards the boy.

"Well, well. It seems someone witnessed something they shouldn't of."

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