"W-who are you?"

"I am Dobby the House Elf. I is him, sir."

'Him,' I thought. My eyes widened, "So what're you doing?"

"Bouncing. I was here for something... I forgot. Along the lines of my masters being idiots. Whatever... it won't affect you."

His left eye started to twitch. "Is something in your eye?"

"I'm WINKING," he told me. He started winking even more furiously.

"Why are you winking?" I questioned.

"A tic? Maybe." He continued to wink furiously, but then his other eye joined.

I took a step back from him.

"Bye, Harry!" He screamed at me, winking as he threw himself sideways. He went through the window, his body turning a rainbow colour, leaving glitter everywhere.

"What? Harry?" I yelled back.

Dobby combusted. He combusted into freaking glitter.

"What in Merlin!?"

The only trace of him left was the glitter forming in the sky. It was an outline of his face; one eye open and one eye closed. I heard a clatter from the door, and turned around. Instead of the door, it was a mirror. And, it wasn't me.

I was Harry Potter.


I shot up from my bed, eyes open and heart racing. I felt a hand on my waist remove itself, and I altered my body.

"Are you alright?" George asked me.

His hair was a mess, sticking in opposite directions. We had been talking on my bed after lunch, then we were cuddling and then... we both fell asleep? Molly had enlisted a rule to always have the door wide open whenever we were alone. It didn't really bother me that much, although it made me embarrassed when somebody stuck their head into just stare. I had caught Molly many times walk by a door four times in a span of five minutes. Nonetheless, it was amusing.


"Oh," I mumbled. "I'm alright. I just had a very weird dream..." I ran a hand through my dark hair, before side-eyeing George. "What's the time?"

He looked down at his enchanted watch, "Around seven."

"Dinner should be soon," I told him.

I threw my head back into my pillow, sprawling my hands wide. My right arm was on top of George's chest as I did so.

"Wanna know the bad thing?"

"What?" I hummed, arching my brow.

"It's the sixth of August. So, they're having a meeting. We're going to have to wait longer for dinner," he told me.

I fell silent, glumly looking at the ceiling. George moved beside me, laying my hand back onto me. He laid sideways, his right hand resting on my stomach.

"We could always apparate stealthily," he suggested.

As much as I'd love a snack, I doubt we'd be able to pull it off. I was about to let George take on the suicide mission but, Fred and Julian waltzed into the room.

"You know, you two were called for afternoon snacks," Julian stated.

"I was going to bounce on both of you to wake you up," Fred said.

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