"Hey mom." I heard her sigh in relief.

"Oh dear God you're not dead. Where are you young lady?" I started packing my stuff up.

"Relax mom, I'm just at the library. I had no idea it got so late." I got up then I realized I had no way of getting out of the school building. It would be closed by now.

"Is Dylan with you?" I rolled my eyes at the sound of his name. I was still very pissed at his existence.

"No my dear mother. I have no idea where Dylan is and quite frankly; I don't care."

"Do you want him to come get you? He's here. Oh, and by the way sweetie, the Dylan question was a trick."

"Mom don't send him, I'll be home in a couple of minutes."

"Are you gonna fly? Your car is in the garage. Stay put he's on his way." She hung up even before I got to say I was gonna find my way home.

Luckily the door to the library could open from the inside and I made my way out; making sure I locked the door. I climbed the endless stairs to the roof and looked over the edge. Dylan's car was nowhere to be seen and my legs were getting cold. There was a pole that ran all the way from the roof to the ground of the school and my tomboy senses kicked in. I tossed my bag over the edge; thankfully I hadn't brought my laptop today. I skilfully made my way down, picked up my bag and dusted myself off.

"Here's to years of climbing trees. And you say I need to be more of a girl."

A few minutes later Dylan pulled up and waited for me to get in. I stood and crossed my hands across my chest. There was no way, no way in hell I was getting into a car with him. He slammed his fists against the steering wheel and got out the car.

"Alex, get in the fucking car." He said sternly. He looked pissed but I didn't care.

"No Dylan, you don't just tell me what you told me at lunch today and come here and expect everything to be just dandy." Dylan sighed and ran his hands through his hair, messing it up a bit. He made his way around the car and stood facing me. He crossed his hands over his chest mimicking me.

"I'm sorry okay? Now please get in the car."

"You’re sorry? Why did you say it in the first place?"

"Look I'm sorry. I was angry. You had just disrespected the girl of my dreams. I had to stand up for her."

"Oh, so you stand up for a girl whose perfume is basically all you know about her, but when your best friend, of 12 years mind you, gets humiliated in front of a cafeteria full of students, it’s okay to laugh at her?"

Dylan rolled his eyes at me. "What could I do Alex? You did hit him with that apple. I'm sorry that you were stupid enough to be with someone like Ryan."

"I was stupid enough? Dyl, you of all people know what that relationship meant to me and you know what it did to me when it ended. Especially because of how it ended."

"Look, Alex, I'm really sorry. Can we just get in the car please? I need my best friend; I'm tired of fighting with her."

"I really hate you sometimes you know." I said asDylan reached in the back seat and tumbled through some bags before pulling out a black beanie that was covered in music notes.

"I got this for ya." He was wearing a cheesy grin on his face. "You can't buy my love." I said with a straight face. He knew I wanted that particular beanie. Damn him for buying it. Damn him for playing those cards.

"It's gonna look perfect on you too." He stepped up to me and removed the rubber band that held my messy bun in place. He placed the beanie on my head, fixed it and took a step back. "

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