!Chapter One!

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*This whole book will be in Autumn's POV, so please enjoy!

So many things have happened in the past two years... For instance; Gray is now 2! My baby is growing up, he's very smart, funny, just plan old adorable and very handsome like his daddy! Ace and I have now been married for a little over a year and we are happy then ever! Sure we've had fights here and there, but we still love each other at the end of the day. We feel pregnant again a little after the wedding, but sadly we lost our baby, due to complications. I wasn't very far in, but we still loved our baby and we always will. I'm now in University studying Hair and Beauty. While I'm not at Uni, I'm working in my business of Hair and Beauty, that is slowly getting bigger. Ace is working as a coach for a kids soccer team, he loves his job working with kids! Our friends are now dating and some are even engaged! Nicholas and Madelyn are almost finished planning their wedding, which will be in a few months, we all can't wait. AJ also proposed to Lili about a month ago, but they're going to wait a little before they start planning.

Everything is going really well at the moment and I'm just so glad of how far we've all come since we've left high school 2 years ago.

"Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!" Screamed Grayson from upstairs as I heard little feet coming slowly down the stairs and the feet running through the hallway.

A second later, Grayson came running into the kitchen, before jumping into my arms as I held them open for him to give me a hug.

"Hello, my beautiful baby. How was kinder?" I asked kissing his face all over as he giggled, trying to push my face away with his tiny hands.

"Stop Mummy. It tickles!" He continued to giggle into my neck. Slowly I stopped, but not before kissing his forehead, before resting my check on his head and I cuddled him into my body, while his head rested on the crook of my neck and his little arms around my neck.

"Yeah yeah. Tell me how Kinder was." I told him and I walked to the fridge to get the milk. He always has a drink of chocolate milk when he gets home from school. Ace got him into that... Ace would come home from work, pick up Grayson on the way come home, they'd go straight to the kitchen and sit at the bench having a cup of chocolate milk.

They were so alike in so many ways it wasn't funny. Gray is a mini Ace. Face, skin, attitude and all!

"It was good! Dylan and I made a sandcastel  today in the sand pit!" Ace smiled bright into my neck and I felt his cheeks turn upwards on my shoulder blade. Dylan was Grayson's best friend, they were attached to each other's hips, always together.

"That's good baby. What did you have for lunch?" I ask him and I began to stir his chocolate milk, before moving onto Ace's cup. Where was he anyway? He always comes to the kitchen after he gets home...

"We had pumpkin soup with bread and butter! You're favwourite Mumma." He told me as he lifted his head off my shoulder to look at me.

"Yummy. Gray, where's daddy?" I asked as I placed him into his chair at the table before setting his chocolate milk in his sippy cup in front of him. 

"Daddy upstairs. He sad, Mummy..." Grayson said while looking at me with sad eyes, that his dad was sad.

That was one thing that always made Grayson sad, was when we were sad and he would always want to make me feel better.

When I had the miscarriage, I stayed in bed, just miserable. Grayson decided to make me feel better by making me a drawing, with a picture of himself holding mine and Ace's hands and above us in the blue sky was angel wings. Made me cry, but also gave me hope to get up, knowing my baby was up there watching over us.

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