One Down.

450 17 4

The adrenaline. I feel it pumping through my veins. The unanimated corpse is laying across the pure white floors stain with their blood pooling underneath them. I clench the knife, I feel the warm blood drip from my hand, to the knife, to the ground. I wipe the blood from my hands on to my pressed white button up shirt. I'll wash it later. That's not my main concern right now.

I put the three inch blade back in my pocket and pick up the corpse. The most logical place to put her would be six feet under, I need a shovel though. I run to the gardening shed. Locked, of course. Like a public park would leave their shed open at 3am.

I take out the blade again and put it in the lock to pick it. Heh you're gonna be a tough bitch aren't you? I continue to pick the lock, but then one slip of the hand and... "ARGHHH DAMMIT!" I yell in agonizing pain. The galactic colors spill from my hand; the blade slipped and cut the inside of my palm. The only thing to wrap it up is my shirt. "Fuck this shirt," I say as I rip a section off and wrap my hand in it. That's it no more Mr. Nice Guy. Gripping the handle I rip the door from its hinges and set it on the side.

I walk in cautiously. There, the shovel gleams in the dim lighting of the shed. I grip the shovel with my blood stained hands. I meld the door back on it's hinges to hide whatever happened.I walk over to the old oak tree and began to dig under it for her grave.

I drag the body to the hole and throw it in. I bury her and go back to the shed to put the shovel away. I walk back to my classroom pick up my blazer and put it on to cover my blood stained shirt. Then I grab my bag and slip the blood stained knife in it and then my keys. I walk to my car.

I get in. Thank god I wasn't caught. Then I see the light of police cars coming to the campus. "SHIT!" I grab my stuff and get out of my car and hide behind my car where they can't see me. The cops pull in. One walks up to my car.

"Hey, I found a car." He yells to the others. I sneak behind him to a near by bush and duck behind it. They other group of cops walk over. They peer inside it.

"Maybe it's the murders. Or the girl's car." The chief says. I start to think how they found out about a murder. Then I realize... the security cameras. I'm such an idiot how could let that slip from my mind? "Come on let's search for the girl."

They start looking around. Like they'd find her, she's buried six feet under, not even their little dogs will find her. But those dogs could find me in a heartbeat.

I begin to here the barking of police dogs, great right as I start thinking about them. They become closer. I panic, I don't have much time to think. I need a plan. They become even closer. I feel sweat pouring from my face. My head throbs. My heart races. What in hell am I supposed to do? I can't think straight... then before I know it...

They find me.

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