A Battle I Won't Lose.

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The dog starts barking at the bush I'm behind. They walk around and see me sitting there with all my stuff. The chief grabs my arm and pulls me up. One of them opens my bag up and finds my knives, and pick out the blood stained one. They pat me down for more weapons and take off my blazer to find my blood stained shirt. Then they hand cuff me.

"You've been caught red handed, sir," the chief says with confidence. "Now where's the body?"

"You think imma just tell you, you're funny." I say in a cocky tone.

"Answer me boy!"

"Make me." He takes out his taser and zaps my side. I fall to the ground.

"I'm gonna ask one more time, where is she?"

"You'll never find her, not even you're little dogs can find her." He gets irritated at me, and zaps me again.

"Just wait till your interrogation, we'll see how you hold." I begin to laugh. Just the thought of them thinking that I'll snap about her is funny. The only reason I'd snap is if he doesn't let go of my arm, then I'll snap his arm.

They look at me like I'm insane, because I am. I laugh more and more. I couldn't stop. Some of them back away. Good plan boys, because things are about to get ugly. I break through the hand cuffs and punch the chief square in the face. The other cops start shooting at me. Like those bullets are gonna do something to me.

I walk over to them, they still shoot, but their faces are starting to fill with fear. "Run boys, if you don't wanna get hurt." I inform them, my voice is unusually low. Heh I didn't even know I snapped. I growl as I walk towards them, their dogs flee, I bare my teeth with a Cheshire grin. Three of the seven run in fear knowing of the consequence of staying.

I start seeing sparks form around me. This is gonna be fun. My power core was activated, it's been awhile since I used my magic. I lift my hand up to form a dark crystal that shoots up from the ground and stabs one of them. The others look at each other with concerned looks. They also run. "You better not go tell no one what you saw. Or I'll find you, and the next thing you'll know, you'll be dead." I saw with an evil laugh at the end.

"Wh-what the hell are you...?" The chief asks with a look of panic smeared across his face.

I turn around to face him. I waltz towards him. "I'm none of your concern." I tap his forehead and he passes out. I walk over to my car and throw everything back in. I get in and start it, then drive away to my apartment.


I take out my keys and unlock the my door. I throw my bag on the couch, take off my shoes, blazer, and button up. I go to the bathroom and take a shower to clean up all the blood off. Then, I stitch up my wounds for a quicker healing process. I maybe magical, but I can't heal myself that well.

I walk out of the bathroom with my towel and see it's 4am. Time really flys does it? Then I hear my doorbell ring. I run to the door and see one of the officers from the shooting.

"Can I help you?" I ask him.

"Yes." He walks in.

"Come on in I guess?"

"Alteer we have a problem."

"How do you know-" he takes off his hat and reveals his white flowing hair. It's August.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I question in a stern tone.

"Well Galaxie wanted me to keep an eye on you, so I'm here. You're probably wondering why she wants me to check on you. She thinks you're slowly snapping since you don't use your magic very much, and it's getting to your head."

"Listen I'm fine, that murder was nothing. And that whole revealing myself to the police, was also nothing. So thank you for stopping by." I open the door and motion that he can leave.

"I'm not leaving. You need to keep that magic under control, and if me being here helps that, then so be it. I'm staying." He States sternly.

"Ugh, fine. I'll prove to you that I'm not snapping."

"It's only a matter of time Alteer." Time. That's everyone's reason for everything. Time.

I'm not snapping. Why would she think I'm snapping. I'm not. It wasn't needed to send August, he doesn't need to be apart of this. I killed that girl for a different reason. If I tell him the real reason, he will really think I'm trapped in the looney bin. Then I'll be sent to Galaxie herself.

"You need a place to stay kid?" I ask as I get some water from the facet.

"I have a place. Thanks for offering though." He responds politely. "So the other officers are utterly terrified thanks to you."

"Did they say anything about what happened?"

"No, thankfully. They just reported that the murderer must of evacuated the scene. Also that the body could not be found."

"Okay, thanks for keeping my cover safe."

"No problem, we're friends."

"Aquatintists." He rolls his eyes at me. I give him a cheesy smile. "You want anything to drink? Eat?" I ask as I get some wine from the cupboard.

"No, I'm fine. Still gotta drive back home."

"Suit yourself" I say as I take a swig of my wine.

He looks around my apartment. Of course he checked what was in my knife bag. After awhile I was dead asleep on my couch and August left sometime in the morning.


I wake up. I'm still holding my wine glass. I must of drank myself to sleep. Usually I don't have nightmares when I do that. Which is probably why I do that to myself sometimes.

To my surprise, I still wasn't dressed, not even in boxers. I was so caught up with August that I forgot to put on my damn clothes. Who does that. Me apparently.

I put on a dark blue button up with a gray tie, a new black blazer and some black dress pants. I clean my stained blade and slip it into my bag. I grab all my need essentials and walk to my car in the parking garage.

I get in my car a drive to the school campus that I was at a few hours ago. Arriving there, I go to my classroom and begin my lesson plans.

Class then starts. The students talk about how they didn't see their friend, Floral, come to school. Also that she never made it home, or answered anyone's texts. There's missing person posters all over the school now.

People couldn't help but talk while I was teaching. I snapped at some of them a few times. I might of still had a little wine in my system, because I still seemed woozy and just a little pissed at life. Oh well. I don't care.

At the end of class Apollo, my love, asked if he could stay after school to practice and just hang out. I said yes of course.

All day I was in a pretty good mood, I just couldn't wait till the end of the school day.

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