A Day of Horror

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I wake up in a daze. Yesterday felt like a fantasy that I didn't want to end. I get out of bed I was still wearing everything that I wore yesterday. A button up, dress pants, and a blazer. I walk into my bathroom to take a quick shower. I take my clothes off while waiting to the water to heat up.

I look in the mirror and see the dry blood on my pale white skin. Then I see the bullet wounds still trying to heal themselves. I look down at my own disappointment in myself. How could I of done that... I was blinded by love. I look up and see a creature that scarily resembles me to much. It looked like a demon, sharp fangs baring at me in the mirror. Blood coating it head to toe, it's claw like hand on my shoulder.

I turn and see nothing, when I turn back I still see it in the mirror. Cold air is felt around me. I don't like this feeling, I turn to test the shower, it was warm so I jump in. The glass was fogged so I wiped it away and see the creature still in the mirror. It smiles then disappears. My heart sinks to the ground. I turn back around to grab something and it appears in my face.

I stumble over and slip out of the shower. The creature leans over me and smiles. It disappears once again. My head throbs from falling flat on the tile floor. I attempt to get up, but my feet are slippery and I fall flat on my ass.

Am I really going insane..?

A knock comes from my door. Not my front door, my bathroom door. No... no... I don't wanna open it... I don't wanna see the horror outside it. I feel warm tears fall down my face.

The door opens, it wasn't the monster, it was August. He grabs a towel and wraps it around me.

"Hey, what's wrong bud?" He asks putting his hand on my shoulder. I couldn't stop crying, I don't know why I was so scared. He sits down next to me, rubbing my back to calm me down.

"I don't know what it was, but there was something. It looked like a demon of sorts, but it looked like me.." I say, still trying to keep my self from bursting out in tears again.

He looks at me with concern. Im certain he thinks I'm going insane. My insanity that I hold back is coming for me. Then I hear a knock at my bedroom door.

August looks at the door. He gets up and goes to the door. I stay siting in the cold tile and wait for him to come back. I hear a scream from the bedroom, I run out of the bathroom and see the beast attacking him.

I try to get it off but it throws me into a wall. August manages to grab his night blade and stab the creature square in the face. A sudden pain comes from my own head. He kicks it in the gut to get it off. I feel I was pushed back into the wall more and my gut throbbed with pain. August then stabbed its heart, my heart felt like it was stabbed.

He turns and sees the pain on my face, then looks at the monster lying in the ground. His eyes go wide. "That monster... it's apart of you..." he trembles.

"How..?" I ask, the tears come flowing back.

"Your insanity, your fears, your anger. It might of manifested into some monster of your own uncontrolled emotions." He states. He sat down cautiously next to me, hoping I don't bite his head off like the monster tried to.

He holds me close. I cry into his shoulder. I didn't want this to happen. I don't want this beast running around and hurting people.
August felt less tense the longer he hugged me. He knows that I wouldn't hurt him.

He looks down at me. "Hey, if that thing ever comes back, just call for me. I'll always be here, by your side." He says calmly and moves a piece of my long hair behind my ear. "Now go get back in the shower, I don't think that thing will be bothering you for a while."

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