Chapter 45- There was a knock

Start from the beginning

"Shh." He said to me. "Maybe she'll fall back to sleep. Either way, I don't mind." He said. I began to yawn and rub my eyes. "Why don't you try going back to sleep? No point in both of us being tired." Luis suggested. "Plus, you have a busy day." He added. I was going to argue, after all it was our first time taking care of Edeline, or any baby in fact, but I was really tired and I had to go to my office tomorrow and finish one of my dress designs.

"Okay. Goodnight." I said kissing him. "Wake me up if she starts crying, I can fix her her bottle or I could-"

"Just go." He said, shewing me off. I giggled as I headed upstairs. I was a little shocked that he was telling me to leave him with the baby.
I woke up to an empty bed. Did Luis not go to bed at all last night? I checked the time, it was 10:00 am. I got up and walked downstairs to see Edeline laying on top of Luis who was fast asleep on the couch. My beautiful big baby Luis looked so cute. I walked over to them and picked up Edeline who was fast asleep. I then shook Luis awake. "Luis, wake up." I said to him. He jumped up, frightened. "Shhh, you'll wake up lil Ede." I said to him.

"Ugh sorry." He said, looking extremely tired. "I was up all night with her." He said, sitting up. I looked to see the baby bag opened and all the diapers and milk on the counter. Her toys were on the ground as well.

"Wow really? I told you to wake me up." I said.

"I didn't want to. What? You don't think I can handle taking care of a child?" He accused. I laughed as I rubbed Edeline's back.

"Shouldn't Eddie and Kayla be here by now?" I asked. "I got to get ready for work soon." I added.

"I can take care of her. I have been doing it all night. It was fun really, we read Goodnight Moon, I sung her my new hit single too, cause it's never too early to be a Luis Jones fan." He said. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm going to call Eddie and see if everything's alright." I said, pulling out my phone from my robe pocket.

"Here, give me Edeline." Luis said, stretching out his hands to hold Edeline. I passed her to him, and dialed Eddie's number.

"Hey Eddie." I greeted.

"Ugh. Hi." He groaned over the phone.

"Umm.. Are you forgetting your child that you left with us?" I asked.

"Oh sorry. I'm really tired. Yeah we're on our way. We had to drive an hour to visit some special OB-GYN office, cause Kayla "doesn't feel right" even though the doctor ensured her she's fine." Eddie said.

I could hear Kayla yelling in the background that something wasn't right. "We'll pick up Edeline in about two hours." The line went blank after that. I closed my phone and shook my head. I looked to see Luis holding Edeline, quietly humming to her as he rocked her. I couldn't help but fall in love with him again. I tried my best to hide my blushing.

"What'd he say?" He asked.

"Two more hours." I said. "I can take her now if you want-" He cut me off.

"No, it's fine babe. I don't mind Edeline spending another two hours with her Uncle Luis." He said.

"Don't you have work?" I asked.

"Oh shoot, I do. Hold on." He said, before giving me Edeline back and pulled out his cell phone. He began to type something in it. "There, now I don't." He said, before putting his phone down.

"I wish I could do that." I mumbled. He tried to take Edeline back from me, and I stopped him.

"At least go shower." I suggested. "My clients are coming over today, and I can't have a tired, unshowered you here." I said. He gave me a look. "Please, so that you're refreshed, I don't have time to be taking care of Edeline while they're here." I said. 

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