Chapter 21- A Beautiful Memory (Ava)

Start from the beginning


“I didn’t mean anything serious, Moony. I meant maybe a girlfriend or something.”

Remus laughed and placed me down on the rug next to Sirius. I turned to Sirius and smiled,


“Siri- Siri… Siri-”


My father chuckled,


“Are you still having trouble with pronouncing Sirius’ name, Ava?”


I nodded sadly, and he grinned,


“How about calling him Padfoot? It’s much easier to say.”


I looked up at Sirius,


“Pad-foot. Oh- I can say it! Padfoot! Hello Padfoot!”


Sirius picked me up and sat me down on his lap,


“Hello Ava. Have your mum and dad been looking after you well?”


My mother snapped,


“Sirius! What are you trying to imply?”


Sirius shook his head,


“Oh, Lily! Don’t take it the wrong way. I was only asking because you’ve been very busy with Harry recently, and we wouldn’t want all of the attention to be on him.”


I laughed,


“Mummy and daddy have been looking after me very well, don’t worry Padfoot.”


 He squeezed my shoulders gently,


“I trust that they have been.”


Remus opened one of the picnic baskets,


“Shall we eat? I don’t know about you, but I’m quite hungry.”


He passed me a small sandwich and I opened it carefully, checking the contents. I smiled and started to eat the chicken sandwich. Remus knew me well.


I stayed on Sirius’ lap as we ate and discussed small things like the weather, Harry, and the food in the basket. It almost seemed as if they were avoiding a topic that none of them wanted to discuss.


Remus finished off his biscuit and looked around the park before muttering,


“Did you hear what happened last night to those muggle-borns?”


His face was serious, and my mother and father sensed it as they leant closer to hear what he was going to say. I frowned and leant forwards as well; naturally, I was intrigued.

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