District 3 Reapings (Kayla and Reggy)

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District 3 Reapings

Kayla Styles POV

My mom wrapped her arms tightly around me making me feel warm and safe. "Shhh.. Everything will be alright Kay." She cooed running her fingers threw my hair in a soothing way. I was scared to death. Today was the reaping. I had just finished eating and getting dressed and was sitting with my mom.

 "Here, Let me fix your hair." she smiled then put my long brown hair into two low pigtails. I smiled at her then moved my side-sweep bangs out of my eyes. "Wish me luck." I hugged her one last time then walked outside.

I was wearing a purple dress that went just above my knees.

 I had watched District 1 and 2’s Reapings and noticed that a girl from District 2 was also very short but she looked way more deadly than me. I bet if I’m reaped everyone will think I’m going to die right off. Well I will prove them all wrong.

Oh the joy of reaping day. I kick a small rock across the concrete and it hits a fence. Stupid fence. Okay, time to swallow my fear and be a big girl. I put on my game face then checked in. Time to do this thing.

Reggy Mccoy POV

As soon as the video went off the escort stuck her pudgy hand into the girls bowl. “Kayla Styles.” She said into the microphone. I looked around until I saw a girl step forwards. She nervously made her way on stage. “Now for the boys!” Oh God. The moment is here. “Reggy Mccoy!” She smiled. Hmm.. Who is that? I looked around waiting for the boy to step forwards then it hit me. That’s me. OH MY GOD.

I froze thinking about it. How could I not figure out that was me! I didn't notice I was still frozen till a friend named Eddy shoved me slightly. He whispered at me. "Good luck." He told me. I slightly shook my head, and started to walk. "Aren't you a handsome young man." The escort giggled. I rolled my eyes when she turned away too fall. Then I was told to shake her hand.

She was a pretty girl but not my type. “District 3 tributes everyone! Good luck to you both!” The escort clapped and cheered. I smiled at the girl then took my hand away whispering. “Good luck.” Kayla nodded then mumbled “You too, you’re defiantly going to need it.”


Okay so I know this Reaping is short but the next one will be longer I promise! I'm just super excited to get the story started!

So what do you guys think of Reggy and Kayla so far? Do they have a chance?

I decited that im going to do this thing where I ask a question each chapter and who ever gets it right gets sponser points! So here is the question:

In the first book, District 1's Marvel used a certain weapon all the time. What was his weapon?

Also I know that some of you were wondering how I was going to do the bloodbath if everyone is commenting. Well i'll be talking it over with my head game maker Maddy and we will decide something. So no one is safe at the moment.

So May the odds be ever in your favor!

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