District 2 Reapings (Ally and Hanz)

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District 2 Reapings

Hanz Armageddon POV

 "Beep. Beep. Bee...!" I knocked the alarm clock off the table beside my bed. Ahhh, today is the day. The reaping. Sitting up I yawned and stretched then stepped off the bed. "Hanz, please come downstairs and eat!" My mom yelled from the kitchen. "Coming!" I screamed.

I pretty much jogged down the stairs. When I get there is see my mother cooking, and my little brother playing with his food. "Hanz!" He yelled my name out of joy. I patted his back, "Hey little bro." I told him.

“Are you going to volunteer today?” He asked looking at me with big curious eyes. “Of course he is honey.” Mom said as she slid a plate of pancakes over in front of him. Mom was right, I was going to volunteer today and I couldn’t wait. I’ve been training ever since I could walk I was very excited to actually get picked to go into the games. “Spartacus, you know I am. Now shut up and eat your pancakes.” I rolled my eyes. He pouted at that but did what he was told, shoving a fork-full of pancakes into his small mouth. Truthfully I was going to miss him, but only a little.

I got a plate also, and I took a few bites. I wonder if the food in the capitol would be better? After a while, I just shoved the rest into my mouth. I got up. "Where are you going? It isn't time." Mom asked. "I have to go get changed." I told her around the last mouth full of food. She let me by, and I went up to my room skipping every other step on the stairs.

As soon as I got to my room I threw on a light blue button up shirt with some jeans. I really didn’t care to dress up for a reaping. I mean come on! Who really cares about clothes except for girls? I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth then fixed my short dark hair. At least I look decent. It doesn’t really matter what you wear when you’re a career just as long as you look intimidating which I did. I feel bad for the other tributes that get in my way. They won’t stand a chance. I smirked then walked out of the bathroom.

I ran downstairs, tired of waiting. I said my goodbye to my mother. I would have said goodbye to my brother too, but he followed me. "How many people are you going to kill?" He asked sounding excited. "As many as I can." I told him. His face just lightened up. "Wow that is cool! I wish I was..." He kept going, but I toned out. I was thinking about the games. I wonder what the theme was, who was coming from district two who may be my only challenge, would I team up with them? The thought stirred in my head. "Hey you aren't even listening to me!" My brother moaned while we reached the town's center. I rolled my eyes. "Come on let's go check in."

“Okay!” His face lit up as he raced towards the peacekeepers. After we checked in I looked around and spotted my father, Strike. He was standing with a bunch of victors from previous games probably talking about who they thought would volunteer. “Hanz, come here.” He ordered as he motioned for me to walk over. I cautiously stepped over to him as he placed a hand on my shoulder. “This is my son Hanz, he’ll be volunteering this year. He’s a winner for sure.” My dad bragged happily to the other men as they all nodded and spoke words of agreement. "Well I guess you are going to have to beat my son to it." I dark tall man laughed. He must be Loki's dad. Loki was a year older, and was also volunteering. My dad gave him a sharp glare. "Trust me I will." I told him, and he grinned at me. I walked over to my section, and looked for Loki. I found him looking tall and strong. I noticed many other people had their eyes on him also. Well we will just have to change that.

Ally Winters POV

“Die. Die. Die.” With every word I threw another knife at a dummy. Hitting the heart every time. I gave a smirk at that then looked around. Everyone had their eyes on me. Just because I was short doesn’t mean that I can’t be a killer. I went back to my cold and heartless expression and grabbed another knife throwing it with incredible speed.

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