Chapter 1~ Running Out Of Reasons

Start from the beginning

I was getting this eerie, creepy vibe which then was brought on with seeing the shadows almost all around me and closing in so I bolted, it was dark outside but my eyes detecting shadows from the street lights was something else. Creepy indeed!! 

What the hell????? How could an evil laugh be louder than my music? I asked myself finally figuring out that the noise was something of a laugh.   Oh shit, it was right next to me!! RUN!!!!!!!!!

 Finally, I made it to my house quickly ran to the front door got in the house fast, took off my earbuds, and ran up to my room when I heard a loud bang come from the kitchen. I was scared so I bolted to the light switch and flipped the switch.

The lights didn't turn on. What the????? how?

Another evil laugh sounded throughout the dark house. I started to tremble, I shook violently. This is it, I'm gonna die. 

"He's here darling, he's come to take you away", it whispered.

Right by my ear. I screamed I was home alone which didn't help at all. I quickly went over to my drawers and opened the top one to grab a knife, maybe this would protect me.

Who's here, Why is HE come to take me away?

Why Is HE here?

What does HE want for me??

"He wants you, darling, he's intrigued by you", it said again by my ear from behind. I screamed and turned around to see what said that, but there was nothing just my room lit up by the moonlight coming from the window. I had tears streaming down my cheeks as I took very slow steps away from the door. I heard a deep chuckle, which made me sob even more.

"Oh look the poor girl's got a knife", a voice whispered and laughed.

"W-who a-are you?, W-what a-r-e you?, W-what do y-o-u w-want from me", I stuttered out, shivering a cold tinglingly feeling went straight up my spine. I screamed again. Suddenly I was slammed into the door hard, the knife disappearing from my grasp, I had nothing to defend myself with. Oh God, I was gonna die!! I looked up wide-eyed I didn't see anything nor see anyone, I saw absolutely nothing all was pitch black which scared me the most. Who got into my house? Why are THEY here? What are they doing here?

"Shh, you're not going to die but baby I am your worst nightmare", the voice was male, raspy, husky, and British. I screamed again startled by how close this guy was to me, I couldn't see him all I saw was a dark figure but I knew he was dangerous and that's what scared me the most. I stood there shocked as he smirked I remember the voice.

'He wants you, darling, he's intrigued by you.' I shivered at the thought.

"Sleep Darling! It's alright", he said to me, I shook my head in disbelief there was no way that this was real and no way that I was listening to any word that came from him. I don't want to be taken from my home that's kidnapping, I could end up dead, I thought nervously always thinking the worst possible outcome above anything else. 

"Oh love I won't take you", He speaks almost like he read my mind then he paused for a moment looking towards the counter where my phone was currently sitting open and back to me smirking. 

I watched in horror as he took my phone which happened to have been unlocked since I turned off my music, he clicked on something and then began typing. Before I could figure out what he was doing he already locked it and set it down turning his attention back to me. 

"Yet", he says after my eyelids start to get heavy. I'm falling into slumber, I try to keep my eyes open but I couldn't, the last thing I could hear before I fell asleep was...

"Good night baby, I'll see you soon."  I felt something soft touch my forehead and millions of little tingles and sparks erupt all over my body as his lips leave my skin, I begin to drift off into slumber.  

I felt myself being placed on a soft comfy bed and when my head hit the pillow I was out cold. 

My eyelids close and everything went black. 

Hello all you readers out there, and welcome to the beginning of a wonderful story. 

Don't go away there will be a chapter 2, and a 3rd and a 4th and so on! 

I'm so glad you joined this little rollercoaster with me, you won't regret it!! 

Happy Happy Reading!!!

Don't forget to leave a Comment and Vote, it would be much appreciated!!

Emily <3 

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