take it now or leave it

Start from the beginning

Because so far, he could only come up with his phone dying in that exact moment and him forgetting to call her back. For two weeks.

Again, an idiotic coward he was.  

"Are you listening to me, Matteo?" he'd been lost in his thoughts again, unsurprisingly. It was something he'd been repeating lately, and usually blamed it on him 'mentally' writing his songs. Sometimes, it was the truth; but most of the time it was an excuse to get Gastón and his mom off his back. Today was Delfi's turn at enduring this lost lapse. "Matteo! This is a serious matter, you dick!" he'd laugh at the insult if it weren't for her aggravated look. He was used to the annoyed, yet knowing look of his friend and his birther, but Delfi looked nothing but stressed. "Can you focus on what I'm telling you?"

Matteo threw her an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Delfi. I was just-"

"I don't even want to hear it! I just need to listen to me and tell me what the fuck is happening between you and Sol Benson!" Well, shit. She was even cursing now.

"What do you mean?" he asked, genuinely confused now. Delfi knew better than anyone that he wasn't dating anyone, and even if he was, she never cared about it before. His manager sighed exasperated, throwing a newspaper across the table, pointing to him to read it.

The sole headline was enough to make his blood run cold.

"Read it till the end."

"She's retiring?" Matteo couldn't believe it. A million questions came to his head as he read the article, 'why' being the loudest. "I just- what?"

"I don't know, and I don't care about her, Matteo." She sighed again, passing her fingers through her head. "What I do care about is that they're mentioning you as the responsible." Delfi raised her hand when he opened his mouth to protest. "I know you aren't. And I'd like to think a woman like her is strong enough to not let an idiot like you convince her to give up her career. However, this is bad because you'll be crossed as a chauvinistic pig, and could seriously hurt the image the older fans have of you. We need to counterattack, fast, and I need you to tell me just exactly how close you are to Sol."

"What for?" He was getting defensive, and Delfi could tell so, too. She softened her look.

"This is not about you being a heartthrob, Matt. This is about people judging you wrongly-"

"Are you listening to yourself? They already judge me wrongly!" Delfi pursed her lips.

"Okay, bad wording. Still, we can't let them think you're that kind of person either."

"Can't you talk to Gastón about it? Maybe he can-"

"We agreed to break the contract with most of the magazines and the heartthrob stories, but you can't just sue someone for linking you as someone's boyfriend. If this was an article solely about you, we could make an agreement with them but since it's about her-"

Matteo frowned. "Can't you talk about it with her team? You said you knew them, maybe you can work on something together-" Now she looked offended.

"What do you think I'm doing? This is why I citied you here, we're meeting them in ten minutes to discuss it! And first I needed your stupid ass to explain your situation to me so we could have some ground but all you've done is daydream about God knows what!"

"Wait, what?!" he looked down at his sweatpants, and the semi-sweated t-shirt he'd worn to go to gym before the meeting, and he just knew his hair was a dishevel mess. He hadn't even bothered with his contacts, so his glasses were stuck on his face unless he wanted to be as blind as a mole. He'd thought he'd only be meeting Delfi, and now- "she's not coming, is she?"

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