Meeting Jack Frost

Start from the beginning

Jack laughed a little at the ending, knowing the small girl was having a hard time spelling 'Sincerely' but was having a hard time believing the contents of the letter.

"How do I know this girl has the same powers as me? I mean, I'm thankful she believes, it means the world to me but..." He paused, trying to think. "Are you sure this isn't a prank that bunny is laughing his ass off about right now?"

"Well, letter came as a snowflake... I say that proof enough. And Bunny isn't THAT mean. Now go visit her! A princess with same powers as you want to meet you. Go! And tell this young girl she is definitely on the nice list!" North said and pushed him out the door.

"Bu-" North slammed the door in Jack's face and he sighed. "Well, might as well. Arendelle, here I come."

~ ~ ~

Jack flew around the castle, trying to find which room Elsa was in. So far, he was having no luck. Just as he was about to give up for the night, he saw ice covering a window. He didn't do that. That must be her then! Jack flew above the window and peered in. He saw a little girl with platinum blonde hair in a braid, kneeling on the window seat and touching the glass, covering it with more ice. She really does have ice powers.

Not wanting to startle the girl, Jack tapped on the window to get her attention, before appearing in front of her. Elsa's eyes widened as she saw the flying winter spirit outside of her window. She couldn't push the window open fast enough. Jack flew in and sat down next to her, resting his head on his staff.

"You must be Elsa," he said and extended a hand. Elsa pushed it aside and jumped on Jack, wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a big hug. The action surprised Jack, not only was he not expecting her to hug him, but it was still an odd feeling when the children didn't pass right through him. A good feeling, but odd nonetheless.

"You came! It's really you! Jack Frost!" she said and released him.

"Elsa?" a sleepy voice came from the left side of the room.

"Anna, go back to bed," Elsa whispered and didn't have to say it again. Anna passed out again and started snoring lightly. Jack chuckled and turned his attention back to Elsa.

"So Elsa, what do you wanna do?"

~ ~ ~

2 months later

Jack was always sending letters to Elsa and receiving them from the girl shortly after. He had formed a good relationship with the princess, visiting her whenever possible. A smile overtook his face as a little snowflake floated into the North Pole and landed on his hand, melting away into a letter. He opened it, the smile still bright on his face. But as he read the letter, his smile faded.

"Jack, what's the matter? Is everything alright with Elsa? Did we not get her tooth! Oh gosh! I'm so sorry, I'll send my fairies right no-" Tooth went flying away but Jack grabbed her hand.

"It has nothing to do with teeth, unfortunately," he said in a low voice. Tooth sat next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Jack, what happened?" she asked.Jack didn't say anything, he just handed the letter over to her. Tooth looked down at the slightly messy handwriting, although it was impressive for a 6-year-old. She the note aloud as she saw the other Guardians walking up.

Dear Jack,

I hurt my sister a few nights ago. I didn't mean to, it was an accident. We were playing with my powers and I slipped and it hit her in the head. She's ok, we went to the trolls for help.But she doesn't remember I have powers anymore. My Mother and Father have moved her to a different room, I'm all alone now. They closed the gates too. No one is allowed inside anymore. I miss my sister, I do not know what to do. My father gave me gloves to keep me from using my powers. So I don't hurt anyone again. I'm scared Jack. You should not come to see me again. I might hurt you too.

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