Specks of Colour

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Drip, drip, drip, echoed through the silent bathroom as the water dropped into the filled tub, sending ripples of waves towards me. Drip, drip, drip, went the sound of the crimson that flowed down my wrist and onto the surface of the water, diffusing into it, spreading color to it. Everything was still, so quiet, a sweet silence which I'd like to carry around with me. I ran the silver blade over my wrist, slashing it across the one I made a while ago. I watched the blood ooze out of it in amazement that could only be described as masochistic. So red, so beautiful, taking my mind off the pain I felt deep within. Making me feel calm. Nobody wanted me, nobody needed me, I was just an emotionless doll with dead eyes. A doll that no child would ever think of buying.

Getting out of the tub, I pulled out the plug and listened to the roar of water draining out. As I rinsed off the blood, I looked at the mirror, where a dead girl stared back at me. She had thin dry lips, almost chapped, features cut too sharp, jawlines and cheekbones so defined, she looked malnourished. Dark circles under bottomless darker eyes, wet mouse-brown hair that fell on to the shoulders. No matter at which angle I looked at her, she seemed to move with me and there was no denying the fact that this grotesque thing staring back at me, was me. I left the bathroom before I broke the mirror in disgust.
No parents, no love, no friends, just a useless soul which God created to see how miserable He could make one's life be. The only colors in my world would be shades of grey. A world where not even forsaken would go to.

Roaming the city, I found nothing that piqued my interest, just things that reminded me of what a waste of space I was. To another person, the sounds might have been music to their ears, but to me, the sounds gave rise to a migraine. Thunder rolled in the gloomy sky. Lightning highlighted the clouds white, just for milliseconds before turning black again. People soon walked with their umbrellas, those who didn't, rushed to seek refuge in coffee shops or found shelter under roofs protruding overhead. I, on the other hand, embraced what came forth. The downpour struck me like ice-cold bullets, which I took in gratefully. This was the only time the sky and I became one. The painful feeling vanished and I thought I felt warm instead of cold.
Gone was the pain for the briefest of minutes before I felt myself being hurled to the ground. My face scraped against the cold, hard ground. I knew who it was before they dragged me into the closest alleyway. It was the monsters who hurt me in school. Monsters with innocent faces, but with hearts as black as sin. The words they only knew were filth and they used it best around me. I curled up into a ball as they kicked and stomped on me, shattering the pieces I had tried to hold into one place. 

Their sudden halt in rupturing my soul made me look over at them. They were talking to someone to the far left and I couldn't make out what they were saying because of the ringing in my ears and I couldn't see with the blurred vision. A loud blood-curdling scream and the sound of a bone snapping in two pierced through the ringing, making me feel sick to the stomach, but then a feeling of satisfaction settled in me because it was one of the monsters who broke their arm. I knew this because there was the sound of multiple footsteps running away followed by the rhythmic splashing of water and then silence.
But who drove then off?
After a long while, I decided to get up. I hissed with pain as I felt the pounding headache get worse.
At least no bones were broken, I sighed as I tried to stand up but groaned as I felt a searing pain shoot through my ankle. Then I flinched with surprise when I saw that there was a person beside me. I slowly turned to look at him and it was then, my breath left me as he inches closer, revealing his face. My savior was an Adonis and I couldn't help but stare into his ocean blue eyes, his hair as dark as the night ahead of us.
"Are you okay?", he asked.
His voice was rich and deep that I didn't want him to stop talking. My lips quivered at the sight of him. How could a person look so flawless? As I tried to find my voice, my lips formed words. My cheeks grew hot and I immediately felt embarrassed, when my voice sounded rough and dry like sandpaper.
"W-why did you help me?", I asked, trying to shield my cheeks with my hair.
"I don't like seeing people hurt.", he answered, as he stood up. I felt like a mouse because he was towering over me as he looked down upon me.
"You're injured.", he said, inclining his head to my ankle, "Are you sure you can walk?", he asked.
I gave a vague nod as an answer. It was when he held out his hand that I noticed he was concerned, yet I hesitated before I took hold of it.
"Let's go fix you up.", he said, with a smile. The warmth from his smile and his hand resonated deeper within me and that was when I saw the specks of color form in this dark world of mine.

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