Chapter One

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 Five years later and Adan had her own flat with Jade. It was a studio with sectioned parts with curtain walls. Jade was gone, off to Sweden to visit family. Adan, however, woke up to an unpleasant surprise. Their land lord, Mr. Jinx, an old, plump man was at the door at 1:00 Pm, just as Adan was laying down to actually sleep. She was working with the sound boards at the Radio One studios with Nick Grimshaw. It was her job she did daily check-ups when the news was on. “Ms. Ladian,” Mr. Jinx started, “Last night you set fire to the stove, I believe.”

“Yes sir, I fell asleep while I was making dinner.”

“I’m going to need some money to repair damage and replace the stove.” He handed her the bill. 500 £. “By next week Adan, or I’ll have to kick you out.”

“Yes sir.” Adan nodded and Mr. Jinx did the same back before she closed the door. Adan pulled out her phone and called Jade. “Hey, Jade?”


“I kind of have a problem. Well, we kind of have a problem.”

“What is it?”

“I set the stove on fire last night whilst making dinner and now Mr. Jinx wants five hundred pounds to repair damage and replace the stove.” Jade sighed.

“How long?”

“Until next week but you’ll be home by Friday right?”

“Yeah. So no worries, we’ll look over it.”

“Okay. Thanks Jade.”

“You’re welcome.” Adan hung up and stuck her phone in her pocket. She pulled on a jacket and decided she needed something to do rather than laze around the house all day. She went down to the streets and began walking and messing with her phone, texting Nick. He left her a text after the show. Do you want to come to dinner with me and Fincham?

He was probably asleep by now but Adan texted back

Sure, sounds cool.

She closed her eyes after she said it. “I’m a god damn fool. Sure, sounds cool. What am I in High School?” She continued to mumble on as she walked. Suddenly, she bumped into a rather tall man, making him drop his belongings. As Adan went out to help him pick them up he pushed her away and made her fall on the melting snow.

“Stupid supernatural freaks.” He muttered and started to walk off, before his books were thrown to the side of street, where a large stream of water was draining.

“I hope you enjoy reading ya normal freak!” A lanky man said, making another motion with his hands and his friend helped Adan up.

They were both particularly odd. One being tall and lanky, with a rather cool beard and mustache the other being a bit shorter and having very little facial hair but rather, a very big quiff. They were both unmistakable faces due to Dan and Jade’s constant chatter about them. Those two should definitely get together.

“Are you okay?” The shorter one, Dan, asked.

“I’m fine.” Adan muttered, already feeling the slushy mix of the gravel and the melting snow on her backside.

“You’re soaked is what you are.” Kyle pointed out.

“I’ll be fine.”

“Here’s your phone.” Dan handed over the completely dry phone. Adan smirked then looked as she had gotten a text from Nick.

Can you be at Hardwood Arms by ten?

Adan smiled and texted back a ‘yes’ before gaining her attention back to the two men standing in front of her. “Thanks, for all that…I, uh, guess.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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