Dancing With the Fire

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The feeling that Adan felt that night, was a feeling that no one should feel. The mix of them all was like living in hell. Her hair was a natural fiery red and her eyes were an orange. It was when she was ten, yet she can remember it clear as day. Her back started to burn and she had started to cry, silently as she made her way to the bathroom. She looked at her back, as the black markings were being lined with embers. A phoenix was burned into her skin, taking up all her back. “Daddy!” She yelled and her dad had rushed in.

“Adan.” He whispered, looking at the marks, running his fingers over them. “Ann, honey come in here!” He yelled out to her mother. Her mother had started to cry over it. Having markings meant you were a supernatural. Which meant you were to be watched over your whole life by the government. You were to be kept in a prison until you were trusted with your powers.

Adan remembers the bicker her parents had over it. Saying something about fire, and about how her grandmother on her father’s side was ice, not fire. Something about how her grandfather on her mother’s side was fire and that’s what happened. Adan began to get nervous, twiddling with her thumbs, so nervous about the fact that she might have to live in prison. She blanked out. Her body moved and she looked at her hands, sparks starting in them. She lit the floors with them, controlling the fire to go to her mother and father bickering in the hallway. She had no control whatsoever on her body, but she could see everything.

The fire spread quickly throughout the house and Adan walked through, once she was at the doorway and her mother and father’s painful screams had been diminished she gained back control and threw herself out of the building. The police started to drag her away and she began to sob.

The moment was vague as her seventeen year old self was being sent out of prison. Legal rights had started for the supernatural and since Adan had gain control over herself and not used her power to harm anyone in the prison, she was free. With her friend Jade, an earth elementalist, walked with her. Jade was from Sweden and was visiting her grandparents on a holiday when she was taken away.

“In Europe,” She’d said, “There is no discrimination against elementalist, they were obviously there long before mortals so the Europeans treat them like they treat anybody else. Though not human, they have the same rights.”

“After we get out of this hellhole, we should go. I’ve always fantasized about Europe.” Adan had said.

“Of course.” Jade had promised.

Jade was a bit older than Adan with light brown hair and green eyes with bits of gold and brown in them, and despite living in Sweden, she was much tanner than Adan. “They took all our money, little shits.” Jade murmured as they walked. “Do you know anywhere we could stay?”

Of course this was Adan home town, she’d done many explorations in the sea bay town in New York. It was old and had barely anymore people in it. Adan nodded and dragged her friend to the harbor. It was under the decks and was still set up the way Adan had left it. Two beds were made out of boats and blankets were draped over them. “Does this work?” Adan asked.

“Yeah, this works.”

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