I nodded and grabbed my plate to eat.

"Sooo about last night" He smirked.

"What about last night?" I asked.

"How was the head? Did you like it?"

"It was ok" I said cutting up my waffle.

"Oh really? That's ok cuz you haven't felt half of it"


"I only gave you a little preview"

"Yea ok" I laughed.

"I'm not even gon ask about the other part cuz I know you loved it"

"Mmm you was ok" I shrugged knowing I was lying like hell.

"Yea right you was all like I can't I can't" He mimicked me.

"Shut up"

I laughed and threw the napkin at him.

"Next time imma have you screaming my name"

"Yea ok keep playing there's not gon be no next time"

He laughed and came closer to my face.

"What you doing today?"

"Well I have to go with my dad to his appointment which is in a hour but after I don't know, what about you?"

"Studio all day, you should swing by when you finish"

"Yea maybe but for now I'm gonna take a nice hot bath" I said getting off the stool.

"Come on we just started eating"

"I'm sorry but I gotta go to this appointment I'll make it up"

"Yea ok well imma go after I'm finish, hope I see you later"


I turned around and began limping towards the stairs but he softly grabbed my wrist, turned me around, and pulled me closer to him.

"So you just gon leave without giving me no sugar?"

He gripped my booty with both of his hands and looked in my eyes. I had butterflies all over again then I looked down feeling nervous as ever and I didn't know why. He lifted my chin and kissed me slowly squeezing on my butt. I was enjoying every moment of this but it was getting intense and I didn't wanna get carried away. I pulled back and tried to catch my breath.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing I just need to get ready horn ball"

He let go and leaned on the table.

"I'll call you ok?"


I went closer to him and gave him one more kiss before limping back towards the stairs. I heard laughter behind and looked to see chris trying to hold it in.

"Kiss my ass!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Gladly" He laughed.
"Ranae there you are"

I saw my mom and dad sitting there in the waiting room. I gave them both a hug and sat down.

"How you feeling dad?"

He looked a little better from last time I saw him but he still looked weak.

"I'm fine" He simply said.

"When we go back you going to wait here or come back with us?" my mom asked.

"I'm coming back"

I unlocked my phone seeing that I had a message from Sierra.

Sierra: Do you still got the hook up for those CB tickets?

I rolled my eyes and locked my phone. After our little chat, CB tickets was the last thing she was getting from me. How you gon disrespect me then ask me for shit bye.

"Mr. Calvin Beniz"

We stood up and followed the doctor through the hallways. He opened the door for us and closed it behind us.

"How you doing today Mr and Mrs. Beniz and?"

"Ranae" I said shaking his hand.

"I'm fine but for him it's different" Mom said.

He grabbed his laptop and sat in the rollie chair.

"What's going on?"

"I'm not feeling to good Doc, I was doing good but I been feeling weak lately"


"I been having chest pains and been sweating like crazy"

The doc nodded and grabbed his laptop I guess to record.

"What about breathing? You still go on your runs?"

"No every time I would go I get out of breathe quickly and it feels like I can't breath"

He nodded again.

"Have you been experiencing any lightheadedness, indigestion or nausea?"

"No Doc"

"Well as far as I can see I wouldn't say these are symptoms but people with this disease do experience these things. As you know, these things can lead to a heart attack and we don't want that. Have you been taking your medication?"

"I just started again..."

The doc looked at him and then typed again.

"I understand, some people feel what's the need to take meds if it's not a chance of getting better but that's not the case! There's still a possibility but if you feel like they are not working you can always take it to the next step and go through with surgery"

Dad looked at mom then stared at the floor like he was thinking.

"I just might Doc"

"Ok well I'm going to print you out a packet letting you know about the whole process, if you're really considering this decision and it's a absolute go then we can talk more about it ok?"


The rest of the visit was just discussing the procedure and after that we headed home. I stayed at my parents house for a little then headed home myself. I haven't heard from Chris all day so I shot him a text asking him what he was up to. I didn't really have anything else planned out today so I just stayed in and watched Marvel movies and snack.


SORRY this chapter sucks I know! But I'm going to speed it up some in the next chapter. I just felt like this chapter is off but I have to give yall something.

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