"No, don't leave, it was funny really. If it helps, Nathan is very pleased with himself, as is Gabe because he makes all our hair products."

I laugh when I picture them, peacocking over their hair prowess. "Now that's a picture, but I really do have to go, errands to run and what not. Maybe I'll see you later but if not it was nice meeting you Axel." He frowns but nods, seeming disappointed that I really do have to leave.

"You too Sang," he pauses before grinning "we're having a movie night tonight if you want to join us, mine and Raven's place around 8?" He looks so hopeful, and I really do want to spend more time with them so I nod.

"That sounds amazing, should I bring anything?" I ask but he's already shaking his head.

"Just your beautiful self." He says and I blush, mumbling a goodbye before heading back to my place to shower and dress before leaving for the day.


An hour later I hop off the bus in North Charleston and head to the motorcycle shop where Will works, he's been running it for the owner the last few years and calls me whenever my parts come in. Soon I'll be finished with my project and will no longer have to walk or ride the bus everywhere.

You see, I bought a severely broken down Harley Davidson about a year and a half ago and found this shop to be consistently the best for bikes. I met Will soon thereafter and he's helped me find all the pieces I needed and holds onto them until I can afford each one. We became friends after spending hours together searching for parts and I occasionally help with repairs. He told me his life story about his awful dad, and amazing sister Kayli. I've never met her but it sounds like she saved them and is now happily married to a man named Blake Coaltar after being introduced by the owner who then gave Will a job.

These past few months I haven't seen much of him since I've been too busy to work on my bike and he met the love of his life, a nice girl named Danielle.

Walking into the shop I frown when Will is nowhere to be found, the only sign of life are banging sounds of tools on the other side of the garage. Investigating, I search out the source of the noise and find a man laying down beneath a large two seater bike, his long legs and the bottom half of a muscled torso the only parts of him visible.

I know he heard me come in, I was loud with my steps so he wouldn't jump and hurt his head, I made that mistake with Will a lot.

"I'll be with you in a minute." His deep voice says suddenly and this time it's me who's trying not to squeak in shock. A moment later he's flopping his hand around the tool box like a fish, obviously struggling to find the proper wrench so I hand him what I think he needs based on his position under the massive motorcycle. He grunts out a thanks.

"You're welcome." I wince when he whacks his head as his body jerks and I step back when he wiggles himself out to stand, though he doesn't quite make it that far. He stops cold the second he sees me, and I think I know the source of his surprise, it's something Will always teases me about.

I always wear my girlies outfits when I come here and when I work on my bike, but only because they're my least favorite clothes so I don't care if they get dirty. Today I'm in a pink sundress and matching converse with my blonde hair in a high ponytail, and he's probably wondering who the heck just walked into his bike shop in a not so great part of town; and, based on past experience, he's about to make a total ass of himself.

Taking a second look at him, he looks exactly like Corey, all but the eyes are identical but his hold a degree of haunted sadness his twin could never achieve.

"You're not Corey." He words are out before I can stop them and he looks even more shocked, his mouth dropping open and he scrambles to stand up, now towering over me an-hey look, there's a freckle under his chin that his twin doesn't have either. I bet they don't see it because they only tower over shorties like me.

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