The two elleth nodded to their sister's words.

"Anneth!" Voronen groaned in anger. "I am not inept in the ways of life, and would you be so kind to please refrain from laughing at me, and refrain also from calling me, 'inept in the ways of life'?"

"Ah, 'tis where your reasoning become faulty and useless. If you were to see yourself in a looking glass, you face would not be reflected, but rather, the words,'inept in every aspect of existence'.

You cannot even braid your own hair."

"Yes, I can!" shouted Voronen as he yanked Anneth's braid.

Her head jerked back, and Anneth's first instinct was to insult her brother, and angrily she told him to kiss an orc. It was not the choicest of words, nor anything any lady or soul should tell another, but the words fell from her lips easily and her younger sisters laughed.

"'Neth, sister, your language is foul!"

"No, you are foul. Which is precisely why you must kiss an orc. Only an orc would willingly kiss you."

Voronen shook his head, now removed from his entertaining attitude.

"Please never say such a thing to your future husband, Anneth. I am not hurt by that because you are my younger sister and am accustomed to your rude ways. If you live your days a maiden for eternity, I will certainly attribute it to your inability to use tact and think prior to speaking."

"Oh, I see now. Lord Philosopher Voronen, chief among all the learned ellyn of Ennorath, Valinor, and the slopes of the Pelori Mountains themselves." She smirked as her brother slumped in utter defeat.

"You need not come if you wish not to, Legolas; I am doing this merely for my sisters who are taking advantage of my friendship with you, I suppose

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"You need not come if you wish not to, Legolas; I am doing this merely for my sisters who are taking advantage of my friendship with you, I suppose."

"Ah," he says, stopping his strides, "we are yet friends then."

"Were we not said to be kindred spirits?"

"I was under the impression we were not kindred spirits," Legolas answers, mocking my use of the phrase, "I was under the impression..."

That teasing smile is returned to his lips, and he laughs suddenly.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I was under the impression you did not befriend ellyn."

Oh, the wretched nerve of this ellon. If it had been anyone else, I would have cast an angry gaze at him before quickly walking away, and with Legolas, I only laugh and shake my head.

"Alas for my resolves," I lament humourously. "You have been an exception to my statement."

"An exception, yet not the exception. There are other exceptions?"

"Do you bear an illness on this fine evening, Legolas? I suppose I can cure that would the age old remedy of a slap to the face. I can perform such a procedure."

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