My Damsel in Distress

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Tonight my parents, the King and Queen of the kingdom of Rose, were holding an extravagant party for my eighteenth birthday. I'm now at the age were I can be married off and rule the kingdom with my future husband.
Yes, I am a guy, but no one in the kingdom knows that. You see, ever sense I was very young I loved to do very feminine things. My mother was always happy to put me in beautiful dresses. It took awhile for my father to accept being that I was the only heir to the thrown, however after much persuading and seeing that this is the true me, he finally accepted. During that time, I had grown out my hair, wore makeup, and wore very beautiful and expensive dresses.
I was known as the princesses of Rose, not the prince of Rose. Those who knew me as Prince were either confused or just thought that something happened to him and that they had a daughter after that. However I still went by my name Eren and preferred male pronouns.
In addition to me being a cross dresser, I am also gay. Very gay. I found men to be idiots, yet very sexually attractive. I often looked at the attractive young noble men that came to the castle for whatever reason. Even though they were all very attractive, they all seemed to be the same. They just simply weren't exciting enough for me. Tonight, I hoped I'd be able to find the man that will be able to excite me.
With a smile on my face, I let the maids finish putting on my makeup before fixing my hair and gown. Excited for the events of tonight, I quickly stood up and walked to the door of my large marble bathroom, my purple and black dress gently brushing against the shining polished tiles as I walked.
  "Oh my god, honey you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." My mother squealed as she saw me. She quickly rushed over to me in her own dress to engulf me in a bone crushing hug.
  "Thank you Mom. You look fantastic as well. Dad's gonna have to fight those old horn dogs from getting to you." I teased. My mother, Queen Carla Jaeger, laughed herself.
  "We might have to triple the guards around you yourself. Boys and girls will be clawing at you to get a taste of your sweetness." Carla teased as she pinched my cheeks before straightening up and holding out her arm. "Now let's not let your father and our guests wait any longer."
  I nodded as I intertwined my arm with hers as we walked down the long hallways that lead to the ballroom that the party was being held at. Two guards, in shiny silver and gold armor, bowed as they opened the huge white double doors leading into the huge room overflowing with many people for us to join them.
  I nodded my head in thanks to them as I walked past before holding my head high and carefully yet gracefully walking down the large white marble staircase. The room was silent in awe with all eyes on me and my mother as we walked down. I smiled, loving the attention I got.
  "Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you Queen Carla and Princess Eren of Rose." The entire room was filled with the sound of people clapping and whistling in response to the man who announced our arrival. I once again happily let the attention and praise sink in as I smiled wider to show my perfect white teeth.


  I sighed before stepping out of the black and gold carriage that transported my sister and I here. I didn't want to go, but my mother insisted saying that it was rude to ignore the King and Queen of Rose's invitation.
  I internally groaned before turning around to help my sister out. Her black gloved hand gently rested in mine as she stepped out uneasily in her black heals.
  "I told you not to wear those stupid things." I stated as I helped her gain her balance again. She huffed in response.
  "It's not like I wanted to, plus you would never understand the reason behind us woman of power looking nice." My sister said, her long black hair falling in front of her face as she tried to fix her shoe. I sighed as I lifted the bottom of her dress slightly so she could see what she was doing easier.
  "Thanks." She said with a pout once she got it fixed. I rolled my eyes and held my arm out for her. She took it, but didn't seem very pleased to do so. Didn't surprise me cause I felt the exact same.
  "So why are we here again exactly?" I questioned as we made our way up the wide white marble staircase that lead up to the large open double doors the lead to what I presumed was the ballroom holding the Ball tonight.
  "Princess Eren's eighteenth birthday. Don't you ever listen?" She rose a thin black eyebrow as she questioned me.
  "Heh. No, I obviously don't. I thought they had a son anyways." I commented as I took in my surroundings. I've never been here during my 20 years of life. It was much bigger than the mansion we lived in and called our family estate.
  "They had a son? I thought they only had a daughter. What was his name?" She asked, now interested in the topic.
  "I believe it was Eren which is what confuses me."
  "Maybe you just got the information mixed up." She huffed as she looked around herself. "This Place is very pretty though. Image what it would be like living here."
  "It's boring enough living in our estate. I don't what to imagine the loneliness I would experience in these giant halls." I cringed as I remembered the giant void called loneliness that took residence in my heart, soul and estate.
  "Levi, you need to find yourself someone to love and protect. Maybe you should become more sociable and stop being so rude and sarcastic all the time." She complained with a pout.
  "That's never going to happen." I commented.
  "And why's that?"
  "Because I hate people Kasa. Everyone's so stupid and not to my fancy." She sighed in defeat as we reached the final stair and walked inside the ballroom.
  "God my feet hurt now from that climb." I stared at my sister as she balanced on one foot to rub at her heel that must have been in pain from the stupid contraption known as heals that every highborn woman has to wear. You'd think that if they wear them so much they'd get used to them, but nope.
  "Whatever, try not to get raped or kidnapped." I looked around at the huge room filled with people before turning back to her. "or lost and possibly even trampled."
  "I think that's what you need to worry about with how short you are." She teased as I glared back. I decided to ignore her though as I started to weave my way through the crowd of people. Suddenly, the large white double doors at the top of one of the many staircases opened and two woman came out smiling widely.
  My breath was taken away by the younger looking of the two. She was absolutely gorgeous. An angel if I dare say so myself. Her hair, like how I assumed was her mother beside her, was a chocolate brown and looked oh so soft. Her eyes a teal looking color and her skin tan, almost taking on a color similar to caramel. She wore a beautiful long purple and black dress that hung to her frame perfectly with red lipstick making her plump lips stand out.
  "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Queen Carla and Princess Eren of Rose." The entire room was filled with the sound of people clapping and whistling in response to the man who announced their arrival. So this was was the princess of Rose.
  "Wow." I breathed out in awe. She was truly beautiful. Her smile widened as she took in the attention she was getting. She seemed to like it that's for sure. Her mother bid her farewell and disappeared in the crowd of people, leaving Princess Eren all alone at the bottom of the stairs.
  Wasting no time at all, I made my way over to her. Once I got close, I slowed my pace to a calmer one as I walked over to her. Her eyes met mine before I bowed.
  "My lady. It's such a pleasure to see you tonight. I almost mistook you for an angel from the heavens." Eren giggled slightly as I stood up straight and admired her from up close. The only thing that caught my attention was her eyes. They were a beautiful mix of blue and green with flecks of gold in them and they seemed to light up in a way as I spoke to her.
  "An angel hmm? I'm sorry, but I'm nothing of the sort." She spoke in a teasing manner. I smiled softly as she spoke. Her voice was surprisingly deep for a woman, but still beautiful all the same.
  "If an angel isn't to your fancy then how about a goddess?" Eren blushed slightly as she giggled.
  "Oh the praise. It's to much." I let out a little snort of amusement as she started to act dramatic.
  "So eighteen my princess?" I asked as I offered a hand. She gladly took it. Her hand was warm, kinda large for a woman, but still slender and perfect. I started leading her to a balcony where we could be away from others.
  "Yes. My parents are hoping that I find someone to my fancy tonight, though I think it's more of them trying to show me off to help me narrow down my choices."
  "Oh? Anyone stand out so far?" I asked in a slightly playful voice as we made it outside. She looked at me and smiled.
  "Well I certainly have someone already on the list." I smiled as she spoke. "How old are you?"
  "20, my lady."
  "Please call me Eren." My eyes widened slightly.
  "Already getting into the informalities." I teased. She laughed while looking away with a blush.
  "Well actually, I kinda don't like being called 'lady' and 'princess'." She refused to look at me as she spoke.
  "Oh? More of a tomboy? Don't worry, my sister Mikasa is like that. It's fine to feel like that. This life isn't for everyone." Eren looked at me as if she was studying me.
  "Well it's not exactly that. I love wearing the clothes and getting the attention, I just don't like the female pronouns." I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Now I was just confused and intrigued. My thoughts immediately brought me back to my earlier conversation with Mikasa.
  "Pardon me, this may be a different subject and maybe even a touchy one, but if I remember correctly, didn't your parents have a son that also went by your name?" I took notice in how she tensed up as I asked the question.
  She chuckled softly after a moment of silence before speaking again. "You're a smart one. I'll give you that."
  I raised an eyebrow to show my confusion. She shook her head as she laughed. She looked very unsure about something. "I apologize. Everyone is just so dumb to put some things together no matter how obvious it is."
  She turned to me with a small smile. "How good are you at keeping secrets?"
  I furrowed my eyebrows, however the conversation was getting interesting and I definitely wanted an answer to my question if she was willing to give to me.
  "Whatever you tell me tonight will never be repeated. I swear on my own life." Eren nodded slowly, but stayed silent for a long moment.
  "I haven't told anyone this before and now that I'm actually about to, I don't know what to say or how to say it. I'm nervous."
  "Of my reaction?" I raised an eyebrow as I threw out a random guess. She sighed.
  "Actually yes. I know I just met you, but you're different from the others and I find myself liking you a lot. I don't want this to destroy our short friendship."
  "I'm an accepting person if that helps at all. So please, don't let your fears stop you."
  Eren took a deep breath before speaking. "Rose doesn't have a princess. They just just have a prince who's extremely gay and enjoys cross dressing."
  My eyes widened as I let her, or should I say his, words sink in. I blinked a couple times as I looked at Eren's profile. He was obviously nervous about my reaction as he watched the full moon rise over the treetops. It was difficult to believe that under the makeup, long hair and beautiful dress was in fact a male, however things started to make sense.
  "I would have never guessed, but it makes sense now. Either way, I still find you to be the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes upon." Eren turned to look at me with his beautiful wide eyes. He smiled sheepishly as he looked down at his hands.
  "I'm glad to hear that, thank you." I nodded curtly in response, not exactly knowing what to say afterwards. Our silence was slightly awkward for awhile as we both just stared at the rising moon. The mix of many different sounds from the ball ruined the natural peace and quiet of nature as we just stood there.
  "Would you like anything to eat or drink?" I finally asked as I straightened up from my leaning position. Eren turned to look at me as I spoke. His gaze was soft and loving and it made my heart beat just that much faster.
  "Yes, thank you." I smiled as well for what seemed like the millionth time tonight. It felt odd, I barely ever smile, but just looking at him forced the corner of my lips to turn upwards.
  "Stay right here then. I'll be back soon enough." He nodded in response before I left and entered the packed ballroom in search of something for us to eat. It took longer than I expected. Weaving through the people and trying to locate where the food was.
  I finally found the food after what seemed like forever. Long tables with clean white cloth draped over it displayed the wide variety of food along with a girl with Burnett hair tied up in a ponytail stuffing her face and dress with food. I cringed in distaste but still grabbed two plates and began to fill them with different foods that seemed appetizing at the moment.
  Suddenly the girl stuffing her face slammed her hands on the table making me and others nearby to jump at the sudden action. I blinked at her with wide eyes while she looked around with narrowed ones. She seemed to be looking for something and for some reason it gave me an odd feeling. Her hazel eyes finally rested to the entryway to the balcony I had left Eren at in favor of finding us food.
  "Danger." I stared at her in confusion as she simply said that one word. The girl suddenly picked up a knife from the silverware laying out for people and ran off to the balcony. Confused and worried about Eren's safety, I set the plates down and followed after the girl.
  I struggled with weaving in between people while keeping her within eyesight. She was surprisingly much quicker than I was. I cursed as someone stood in front of me, blocking her from my view.
  My blood ran cold as a gunshot was heard followed by many screams as people started to instinctively duck and look for a safe place to hide. I impatiently pushed the person in front of me away as I tried running to the balcony to see if Eren was okay.
  More gunshots and screaming filled the room. The closer I got, I was able to make out Eren being held by one of the people I hate most in life. My uncle Kenny. Eren struggled uselessly in my uncles strong arms as he continued to shoot up the place.
"Alright listen here you lot of wealthy wet shits. I'll be taking the Princess now if you don't mind. Good luck trying to get her back." I growled as Kenny spoke after a couple more shots. He pulled the trigger a couple more times as he slowly walked backwards onto the balcony. I quickly looked around for any weapon I could use before spotting a dead palace guard laying nearby.
  Without wasting time, I pulled the sword out of its seethe and made my way to the balcony, stepping over dead bodies on my way. There was no way I was letting Kenny take Eren. God knows what he'd do to him.

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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Ereri/ Riren one-shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें