One night at Vegas

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I groaned from the hangover I received caused by all the drinking I did last night. I had gone to Vegas after I found out that my fiancé was cheating on me. I was beyond heartbroken from that fact.
I know that you should always be careful of what you do when you go to Vegas, but I really needed to just forget.
I opened my eyes and saw a random Burnett male sleeping next to me. His hair looked soft and his skin was a caramel color and he didn't have any clothes on? And neither did I?
It took me awhile to comprehend the situation and after awhile I groaned again at how fucking stupid I was. I just fucked a random person in Vegas, great.
I ran my hands across my face and furrowed my eyebrows when I noticed a cold object around my ring finger on my left hand. Pulling my hands away from my face, I examined the object on my finger. It shined in the sunlight coming in through the thin white drapes. It was a wedding band.
Oh my god I fucked up big time. I looked over to the Burnett beside me and looked at his left hand. He wore the matching wedding band. I didn't even know I was gay. Then again you do a lot of very weird things when you're beyond drunk.
I debated on whether I should wake the male up and discuss this, let him sleep and leave while he's sleeping without him knowing I was here, or wait until he wakes up. I really am at a loss at what to do right now.
Sighing, I let the male sleep. He looked comfortable and, not even going to lie, adorable. I got out of the messy bed and noticed some cum splatters here and there. I already assumed that we had sex being that we both didn't have clothes on.
I go to the bathroom and take a shower. Usually my showers last for like 3 minutes, but this time I just leaned against the cold white marble shower walls and thought about this.
I walked out of the bathroom when I finished my shower, towel around my hips. I ran my hand through my hair hoping that we returned to my room so that I can find my stuff and not have to wear clothes that I already wore the day before.
I looked over to the male when he shifted and let out a yawn. He got up and stretched. He was well built. At least I didn't get married to some fat dude.
"Your up. I suggest taking a shower before anything else." I said as he looked at me in confusion and surprise with the most beautiful Caribbean eyes I've ever seen. They took my breath away. The male really was hot.
"I'm sorry, who are? And where are we?" He asked, his voice rough being that he just woke up.
"I'm Levi. You don't know me and I don't know you. We're in a hotel, not sure which one though. Just go take a shower. We'll talk about the other stuff afterwards." The male looked me up and down as he started to grasp the situation.
Much like me, he groaned, not believing how much he just fucked up. I walked back into the bathroom and grabbed the robe and threw it at him figuring that he'd be uncomfortable with getting up and walking to the bathroom in front of me.
"U-uh thanks. I'm so so sorry about this." He apologized as he wrapped the robe around himself.
"Just go take a shower." I pointed to the bathroom door, my hangover not helping my attitude. He flinched at my tone and hurried to go take a shower. As the door closed, I grabbed my clothes from yesterday with disgust and put them on being that this was definitely not my room.
I sat in a chair and waited for the male to come out. Once he did, he grabbed his clothes and went back to the bathroom to change. He came back again and looked at me nervously.
"Um..." he gave a small nervous smile. I sighed in response.
"So what's your name brat?" I asked.
"I'm not a brat." He pouted as he sat down on the floor. I glared at him which made him flinch.
"Name." I repeated in a firm tone.
"Eren. Eren Jaeger."
"I already told you my name but I might as well tell you again. My names Levi Ackerman." He nodded.
"Levi..." he tested out the name and smiled slightly. "It's a pretty name."
I was taken back by his comment. He blushed slightly when he realized he said that. "U-uh I'm sorry."
"No it's fine I suppose. Thanks. You have a nice name too and nice eyes. They're very beautiful." I commented. His blush deepened and smiled at my compliment.
"That's definitely a first." He chuckled. His voice was sweet, like honey. This kid is making me feel things I shouldn't right now.
"Anyway, that's not what's important right now. If you haven't already noticed we both have matching wedding rings on and we clearly slept together last night so yeah. This is definitely a problem." I stated. Eren looked at his hand and studied the ring with a sigh.
"First of all, how old are you?" I asked when the thought came up. He has to be 21 or older if we was drinking and most likely gambling.
"I'm 23. I just graduated from college and me and some friends came here to celebrate which reminds me, I need to find them." He said.
"I'm 27. Good there's not much of an age difference. I didn't want to be seen as a pedophile. I cam here alone after I found out my fiancé was cheating on me. Wait why am I even telling you this!?" Eren shrugged.
"Because you are, but that's horrible. You seem like a great guy. She or he?, must be disappointed now that they don't have you." He said.
"Heh. I have to agree really. She was a major whore in high school. I should have guessed that this would happen." I crossed my arms and shook my head. "Anyway, do you remember anything from last night at all. I don't remember shit."
Eren thought for a while before speaking with a frown. "All I remember is having dinner with my friends, drinking a shit ton of alcohol, getting into a couple fights, running from some cop, I think I stabbed a dude?"
My eyebrow twitched. Great, I got married and slept with a wanted person. Eren thought some more before continuing. "Some person was definitely after me that I was running from, I think I ran into you, you helped me. If I remember correctly, you fucked the guy up pretty bad. After that you treated me to dinner, we talked, we drank, and I don't remember anything after that."
Great, I'm probably wanted too. "Sounds like a wild night." I commented. He nodded in agreement.
"So what do you wanna do about us being married and shit? Honestly I think divorce would be the best option." I suggested. Eren thought about it, eyebrows furrowed. After awhile I stood up when he didn't say anything. "I'll go and try getting ahold of some divorce papers."
Before I opened the door, Eren grabbed my wrist. "Um Levi, I know this is weird to ask, but um, you mentioned that your fiancé cheated on you so you two aren't together any more and I've been single for a year now to focus on studies; can we just sorta see how this works out? If by some point, we don't like it, then we can divorce."
I looked at the attractive Burnett as he looked down at his feet, cheeks red and hand still holding my wrist. I thought about it for a moment before sighing.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt to give it a try." Eren looked at me with hopeful eyes. He hugged me, which took me by surprise, as he whispered 'thank you.'.

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