Chapter 13 Taking Care of You

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Jason POV

I open my eyes and look around. I feel Nikki's head on the back of my neck as she breaths slowly. I stand up carefully and shake the morning dew of my fur. She looks up and smiles slightly. I look at her open, blood covered wounds. They're worse than I thought, I lick the dry blood from the open wound making her wince. After a few minutes they're clean and she trys to stand up. I lift her up and she crawls onto my back. I slowly walk through the forest and to the exit. Humans stare at us as we enter the city and I walk down the street. 

"Is that a costume?" a woman asks. I nod and continue to walk. I finally make it back to Nikki's house and we walk into the living room. Inez freaks out and helps her to the couch.

"What happened?" she asks. I explain the story as she cleans the wounds with a rag and cold water. "Okay, she need to shift back." 

"How?" I ask. She walks over to Nikki's head and pinches the bottoms of her ears. Shortly after her body shifts back and the wounds look even worse. I shift but Inez looks away. "Oh come on. You've seen me naked before." I say.

"There some clothes in our room. Go put them on." she says. I nod and walk to they're room to find some fresh, washed clothes. I pull them on and walk back to Inez. She washed and patched the wounds up. "She should be okay now, and don't blame Eric. Your guy's wolfs took over." she says. I nod and sit down next to a sleeping Nikki..

"I'll watch her." I say. She nods and walks upstairs. I take her hand and lean back. Why couldn't I protect her more than I did? After about an hour of holding her hand she stirs and sits up.

"What are you doing here?" she asks. I see sweat dripping from her forehead so I feel it and she'S burning up.

"Taking care of you sicko." I say. She smiles and sits up. "You okay?" she nods and looks around.

"Can you get me some water?" she asks. I nod and walk to the kitchen. I walk back with a glass of cool water and sit back down next to her. I bring the glass to her lips as she slowly drinks, sip by sip. "You feeling okay?" she nods and tries to stand but winces in pain.

"Fuck, that hurts." she says rubbing her side. "Where's Eric?" I shrug. "Can you find him for me?"

"What?! No!" I say. She rolls her eyes and pulls herself up. "What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna look for him myself cause my mate is a whiny little bitch." she says. Wow, she called me her MATE!!! I jump up and wrap my arms carefully around her waist.

"You're not stepping one foot out of this house today." I say walking her back to the couch. She chuckles and we both fall on the couch with her on my lap.

"That hurt." she laughs rubbing her neck. I kiss the good side and rest my head on her shoulder.

"Sorry, I'll find him for you." I say. We sit like this for a while before I set her on the couch and stand up. "I'll be back soon." I say kissing her cheek. She nods and I leave, hoping to find my asshole brother.


I'm getting them all together! Maybe....I'm not sure.

Nikki :)

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