Chapter 3 Hello Love

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Nikki POV

I swear to god I saw my mate but I'll keep my mouth shut. I'll figure it out myself. Its Sunday and I'm on my way to the pack mansion, owned my the Geirsees. The Geirsee family is the Alpha family of the pack. They're nice and fair. But strictly traditional. Only Alphas with Alphas, only Betas with Betas. Stuff like that. We enter the big, main hall and head for the council room when the feeling hits me again. I look around and sniff. I swear its him again. My mate. A hand on my shoulder makes me jump.

"Sorry sis." Inez says. "Lets go or we're not gonna get good spot." I nod and we enter the the council room and sit down in the back.

"Alright, welcome my fellow wolfs." Alpha Richard says. I lean back and relax. As a Beta I don't really have to worry. "As you might know my sons Jason and Eric are still searching for they're mates so tonight all females are to stay here." my eyes shoot open. What! All females! The rest of the meeting is boring like always and afterwards Inez can leave cause she already has a mate.

"Okay sis, you can do this. If you need anything than call me and I'll be right here." she says giving me a hug. "Have fun." oh yeah. Lots of fun. She leaves and I'm left in a room with about 7 other females. Its awkward because I'm taller than all others. Jason and Eric and in the back aways from me. Good. I stand at the bar and close my eyes, hoping this will all be over soon.

"Mine." somebody growls from behind. I turn and see Jason with his bright green wolf eyes. The feeling returns and my wolfs starts to freak out. "Your mine." he says again. Oh no, he's my mate. I back up abit but run into somebody. I look up and see Eric with glowing yellow eyes. He bares his sharp canines and steps towards me.

"Mine." he growls. Soon I'm stuck between the two. "Your ours." he says. I gulp and look at my two mates. Two mates! Shit! I back into Jason who rest his hands on my shoulders.

"Hello Love." he links. My wolf purrs and makes me rub against him.

"Hi mate." she says. He smiles and looks to his brother. 

"Looks like we found our mate brother." he says. No, no I can't be your mate! Eric smiles and leans in but I turn my head making him growl. "You don't want to anger my brother love." Jason says. I try to pull away but his grip tightens.

"Leave me be!" I demand. They smirk and let me go. "I can't be your mate. I'm a Beta!" I say. 

"We know. Its makes it more interesting. We'll mate and make you Luna of the pack. Wouldn't you like that?" Eric says. I shake my head and bolt for the front door. I make it out and shift, running as fast as I can to me house, away from here. I can't have two mates! I just can't!


Okay she met her mates! She's not very happy though.

Nikki :)

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