Chapter 2 Seeing Her and Feeling It

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Jason POV

"Jason! Get your dumbass downstairs and get ready! We gotta check the territory boarders!" my twin brother Eric yells from downstairs. I groan and climb out of bed, rubbing my sleepy eyes. "Hurry up!"

"Alright! Calm down!" I yell. I pull some jeans and a black t-shirt on than I walk down the marble stairs of our mansion.

"Hey little brother." Eric says. I roll my eyes and plop down on the couch. "Dad said we have to come with to the pack meeting tomorrow. To see if we can finally find our mate." 

"Yeah right, like thats ever gonna happen." I mumble. He chuckles and we watch TV for a while before having to leave for the forest.

"Okay, you check the south boarders, I'll check the north." he says. I nod and shift. My wolf is a dark grey with a black back and face. I run all fours to the southern boarder and sniff for rouge wolfs. I have a really good nose so I can pick up smells from about two to three miles away. I lift my head and look around. Nothing different so I trot along the boarder. Than I smell something. Another wolf, a female. I sprint towards the smell. It smells so good, so attracting. I run as fast as I can before seeing her. A beautiful female wolf. Dark brown with patches of black. Bright Brown eyes with a hint of green. And a tiny white spot at the tip of her snout. Her head is low as she inhales the sent of the forest. Then she turns and see's me making my heart stop. Her ears go back and her tail up. A aggressive position. She bares her teeth and lets out a low growl.

"Jason!" Eric yells. Leave it to him to break this moment. I back up and turn towards the woods, disappearing within the trees. "Jason where are you!" I jump over a fallen over tree and dodge rock. Flashes of her beautiful face flash through my mind so I run face first into Eric. I stand back up and shake the dirt off my fur. "What the hell man?" 

"Sorry but I saw a female! I beautiful girl." I say. He gives me a confused look. "I think I saw my mate."

"Jason, its not something you can just see. You have to feel it." he says as we begin to walk back to the house.

"But I did feel it. The sparks, the fireworks! I felt the mate feeling." I say. He sighs and sits down.

"What did she look like?" he asks picking at his teeth. Normally I'm the bad boy but right now I'm all but here.

"Well, she was dark brown with patches of black , a tiny white spot at the tip of her snout and brownish, green eyes." I say dreamily. He rolls his eyes and hits me in the back of the head.

"Come on drooly, we've got things to do." he says. I nod and we continue our watch. Maybe I'll see her again. I really hope so.


Okay, Jason saw Nikki! He knows she's his mate but how will he react when he finds out she's a Beta?

Nikki :)

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