Part 4

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Alec held Magnus in his arms. His thoughts were clouded and he was overwhelmed with darkness. He buried his face into Magnus' neck and tears doesn't stopped to roll down his cheeks. Hatred and a feeling of revenge overtook his body and he swore to find James and kill him. Alec would make him regret that he had hurt Magnus...that he had killed Magnus. Even more he thought about it even more he thought about Magnus' last words. Also Magnus wanted that James die and regret what he had done. Alec' eyes got wide and he pushed Magnus away so the lifeless body landed on the cold ground:" Alec...What-" But Alec interrupted Izzy:" THAT is not Magnus!" And after he said it he took his Seraph Blade and put it into Magnus' heart. His siblings stood there and were shocked but Alec was to 100% sure that it wasn't Magnus. Suddenly the body changed his form and in front of them laid a dark creature. The three didn't knew what this thing was but it definitely was a demon. Because of the sting the creature body cracked and burned down until just ashes lay there. Alec took his sword and turned around to his sister:" Iz, call Cat again. She needs to search for James again and then she must open a portal." Alec' voice was tense and strict. Alec now knew that Magnus wasn't dead but it means that Magnus was still in pain and that he suffered somewhere. Without hesitation Izzy did what Alec told her and shortly after she explained everything to Cat a portal opened in front of the Shadowhunters. All three took his weapons and they were ready for the worst but before they could go through the portal Jace grabbed her brothers arm:" Alec, how do you knew that it wasn't Magnus?" Alec was annoyed and sighed. He doesn't wanted do wasted more time Never Magnus would accept it if I would kill one of his friend especially when he is like family for him. He would NEVER do that." Without wasting another second they went through the portal but Alec didn't knew if he was ready for anything what was on the other side.

James wanted to make the next cut when he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his hand and when he looked at it he saw a red stripe. He looked to the portal and there stood three Shadowhunter. James noticed the wipe in Izzy's hand and the other two were ready to fight, too. Magnus couldn't open his eyes fully but he knew that his friends were here and the most important Alec was here. Again a silent tear rolled down his cheek but this time because he was happy. He was so happy that Alec didn't believed James:" Don't touch Magnus again!" Alec shouted and it was like music in Magnus' ears. James still holds the scalpel very nearly at Magnus face and because of that the three were very careful. Alec wanted to grab Magnus and just leave with him:" Tell me one thing, Shadowhunter." This was clearly directed at Alec:" How did you know that it wasn't him? I haven't seen it but I felt that you killed my creature. For a few seconds I was weaker." James didn't laughed anymore. Even when he acted like it was nothing his voice and movement were a little tense and curious:" Magnus would never want that I kill you. Even when he was so in...pain because of you, you are his friend, his family." James turned around to Magnus:" Is it true, Magnus?" Magnus felt too weak to answer so he just nodded his head and it felt that he needed so much energy for that, too. Alec noticed how bad Magnus felt and he flinched a little but he doesn't wanted James to see it:" MY beloved Magnus, I must disappoint you. I have explained it to you. Such mundane emotions make us weak and powerless. And now I will take from you what is mine!" At the moment when James wanted to make the next cut Izzy knocked the scalpel out of his hand with her wipe. Jace and Alec exchanged just one look and nodded to each other. Izzy and Jace cared about James so Alec could do over to Magnus. They pushed James further away from Magnus but James was just amused like the Shadowhunters in front of him couldn't win.

Alec freed Magnus' arms and legs then he laid his finger on Magnus' cheek and stroked it gently:" Magnus Baby, I'm here. You hear me? I'm here and I bring you home. Don't be afraid anymore." Magnus thought he heard the voice of an angel and he was right because for him Alec was his personal angel. His whole body relaxed when he heard the melody and it was warm:" A...Alexa..." Magnus tried to say something but he hadn't much energy to speak. His eyes were weak and he just wanted to close them and sleep. Alec saw how weak he was and that he got even weaker and weaker. Alec was afraid. Alec was afraid that the feeling he had in the forest would come back and he didn't wanted to feel it ever again. Even when it was just for one moment he thought he had lost Magnus it was the worst feeling he ever had and he couldn't take it again:" Please Magnus, you need to be strong for just this one moment so we can go home. Can you do that?" Magnus nodded. Alec took his hand and helped Magnus to get up. Alec assisted Magnus so he wouldn't fell to the ground. Alec felt the whole weight from Magnus but he doesn't cared because he would do everything for Magnus. They looked over to Jace and Izzy. They had problem to hold James back. Even when Alec had killed the demon and made James a little bit weaker James was still too strong and had so much power. Magnus' legs trembled and he had problems to support himself. In his ears he just heard James' laugher:" Magnus! You know there is no way out. This weak niphilim are so weak and they can't beat me. You are mine, Magnus!" When James called his name Magnus felt how tense Alec' whole body got and he needed to hold himself back not to kill James . But Alec made it because now he was here for Magnus, to hold and to care for him and to bring him home. Hewould never let go of Magnus again. Magnus knew that James was right and theShadowhunters were too weak to fight him and his magic was way too strong.Magnus took a deep breath in and then out.

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