Part 1

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-Magnus POV-
The whole day Magnus was very excited because this day Alec will be back from Idris. He was three days away and needed to attend some meetings. But this doesn't really matters to Magnus because the most important thing was that Alec would be back. They talked over the phone and Alec just wanted to do something at the Institute and after that he wanted to come to Magnus' loft. Magnus doesn't knew what to do so that the time passes faster. All his tasks and duties are finished and he doesn't have any costumers anymore today. He sighed because these three days went by so slow that the past 400 years seemed like a few seconds. Magnus thought that a good drink is the answer to the most things and poured himself something in a glass and then he lay down on his brown leather couch and looked to the ceiling. Suddenly the glass door from the balcony went open and a grey cat came inside. A few days ago she appeared the first time and Magnus could never scare her away and since then she came every day:" Alexander, you need to hurry..." Magnus sighed when the cat led herself down on Magnus' stomach and now he noticed her really:" He began to caress her fur and patted her head. She purred lovely:" I'm sure you will like Alexander. He is really nice and likes animals." The cat meowed and Magnus laughed. Suddenly it knocked at the front door and Magnus had a bright smile on his face because he hoped it would be Alec. He walked to the door and opened it:" Alexa-. What...? Hallo?" Magnus was confused because no one was there. He was angry because and he closed the door again:" Who would do that? I'm the High Warlock of Brooklyn!" Magnus heard the loud meow from the cat. He sighed and rolled his eyes:" And what is your problem now?!" When Magnus turned around his eyes widened and his body was stiff and he was surprised. In the middle of his living room stood someone:" Hallo, Magnus." The person grinded:" What do you want...?"

      -Alec POV-
Finally Alec was back at the Institute. When Alec was in Idris it seemed like the time would never went by and when he was back Alec doesn't felt so tense anymore. But the only place he wanted to be was by Magnus' site and so he tried to finish his tasks at the Institute so fast he could. It felt like eternity before he was ready to go and then his siblings and other Shadowhunters wanted something from him. He was relieved when he was finally outside and he rushed so fast he could to Magnus' loft. When he reached it he was totally out of air. Alec took a deep breath and knocked at the door but no one opened. He knocked a second time but again no response. He narrowed his brows and laid his hand at the door and was surprised when he noticed that the door was open. He let himself in and the whole loft was dark:"Magnus? Hallo?" Alec was worried when he got no response because he and Magnus wanted to meet here. He walked down the hallway when he felt something under his feet. When he lifted it up he saw a broken glass on the ground. Alec went further and was in shock when he walked into the living room. Everything was destroyed. The furniture, books, glasses and bottles, the glass door from the balcony and the worst thing was the blood in the whole room. On the ground was a great blood puddle and at the walls were blood splatter. On the wall next to Alec was a bloody hand print. He felt how his legs got weak and his face pale. Alec couldn't breathe and he had tears in his eyes. He took his phone and texted Jace that he and the others need to come immediately. His whole body trembled and his fingers were sweaty. When the front door opened Alec still stood there like he was frozen. He doesn't move an inch:" Alec, what happened!?" Jace shouted from the hallway:" What...Shit! What the hell...!?" Everyone stood now in the living room, too and were shocked from the scene right in front of their eyes.

-Magnus -
Slowly Magnus opened his eyes. He felt pain all over his body but mostly his head hurts. His eyes were heavy and he could open them barely. When Magnus finally opened his eyes to the fullest he looked around. The first thing he noticed was that his hands were tied with handcuffs above his head. He felt how the metal cut into his skin and how the blood floated down his arm. His sleeves soaked up the blood. But not only there he had blood. He felt dried blood on his head and neck and saw a few slight wounds on his body. His shirt was torn. Magnus noticed that he sat in an old cell. The walls were made of thick stones and the grid out of thick metal. At the wall was one torch that lit up the cell a little and Magnus sat on the dirty floor. The air was filled with the smell of decay. Magnus only knew that he waited for Alec and then someone was in his loft and the rest of his memories were blurred. He tried to escape but the handcuffs cut even more into his skin:" Ouch...what's going on here?! Hallo!?" Around his hands formed blue sparks but they disappeared immediately:" What the...?!" He tried to escape with magic but it doesn't worked and Magnus had panic in his face. He frightened because he heard some whisper in an unknown, ancient, magical language. When he looked to the grids Magnus saw a creature. The creature was wrapped into a black cape and his face hides behind a pitch black mask. The mask looked like the face of a raven. Magnus felt that this thing was from another world. A world of dark magic:" What do you want from me!?" Magnus shouted but the creature doesn't answered. The door opened and the creature held up his hand and Magnus saw claws. Black sparks came out of one finger and the handcuffs opened. The creature moved his long, bony finger and he controlled Magnus' body and Magnus couldn't do something about that. Magnus had to obey and follow him.

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