" Hey mama" I laughed

" Oh my God" She looked me up and down " You look amazing baby"

" You look better mama"

She looked at Tremaine " Hi son, How are you?" She hugged him

"Never complaining, How are you? You glowing looking amazing" He laughed

" Stop you too young for all this ass" She laughed and looked down " Trilana!!"

She pulled the cover off of her face and she was very much awake looking around at her surroundings.

" She looks beautiful" She started picked her up

My mama honestly only saw her a few times and that was when she came to Florida when she was born.

" She got so big" Her eyes started to water "5 Months right ?"

I nodded.

I said hello to a few other of my family members and some were confused as to who Tremaine was and i just simply told him he was a friend of mine. We were in the room with my nieces and they played with Trilana

" Can i call you lay lay?" My niece Autumn asked " Huh?" She asked when Trilana just started at her

I laughed and shook my head and my father walked in with my grandfather

" Tori!" my dad yelled scaring me

" Daddy are you serious why you yelling? " I laughed

" If that's what you wanna call it i just simply called you"

" Naw playa you simply yelled" My grandad corrected him

" and you simply don't know what you taking about"

" And you simply still talking"

" Noted" my dad put him the 👌🏾

" Noted my ass"

" Alright dad" He chuckled

" Y'all argue y'all like brothers" i said

" because that's what he want to be. My brother" My dad said

I laughed and shook my head

" Who's this nigga?" My grandad asked referring to Tremaine

My eyes were wide

" Tremaine sir" Tremaine responded back

" Trilana's dad right?"

He nodded

" What are your intentions with my daughter?"

" Dad!!"

" Let him answer Tori"

" Well sir to be honest with you me and Tori aren't an item. We haven't talked about us being together"

Just Kickin' it (Tremaine 'Trey Songz' Neverson)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt