"Ok, that's really really really weird. But anyway, we're near some restaurant called Chang's Diner."

"How weird! I'm at the hotel right next to it. Go there and I'll meet you guys in the lobby."

"Alright, see you there. Bye, love ya." I told him.

"Love you too." I hung up and turned around to see the woman still standing there. I sent her a grateful smile before placing her phone in her outstretched palm. The girl sent me a smile that seemed all too familiar and I did my best not to scream or tense up.

"Thank you so much for letting us borrow your phone. As much as I'd love to repay you, I have to go meet up with a friend of mine. Hopefully I'll see you again sometime."

"There's no need to repay me, Emma." I froze, not able to move. The boys froze too.

"How do you know my name?" I questioned, staring the woman straight in the eyes. The woman chuckled.

"My father and brother are the ones that kidnapped you four, I'm pretty sure I know your names." My eyes widen and I managed to take a step back.

"Stay away from me, all of us."

The woman sighed. "I'm not going to hurt you." I could see right through the lie. The tips of her ears turned red and her voice was squeaking. I rolled my eyes before holding three fingers behind my back. The boys should know what it means.

Three fingers.

Two fingers.

One finger.

A fist.

Followed by a gust of wind.

My fist went barreling straight into the woman's face. I bet that the woman might not have an eye by the force behind my punch.

But I didn't let my thoughts wander. I left the woman in the dust as I ran as fast as I possibly could. The boys ran with me as I took off towards the huge hotel beside the restaurant. I skidded to a stop in front of the revolving doors, slipping inside the first opening. I waited impatiently for the trio to join me and ended up waiting about five minutes. The moment Jesen finally stepped out, we ran into the lobby, ignoring the stares we earned. Jared and Jensen don't quite know who there looking for but they'll know when they find him.

My eyes landed on a big mop of blond hair and I saw a small bundle in his arms. A grin stretched across my face just from looking at them. I saw Ben and Jason standing at Logan's side, looking around nervously. I stood completely still, my eyes on my family, watching with a smile. It took longer than I thought and I was surprised at who had noticed me.

It was Chloe. She was bouncing in Logan's arms, her fingers stuffed in her mouth, looking around with wide eyes. She had some hair, not a lot, but what was there was a chocolatey brown, just like her moms. The moment her curious blue eyes landed on me, they lit up and she began gurgling loudly, talking in gibberish to Logan. Logan looked down at Chloe, smiling while ruffling her soft hair. Chloe frowned before smacking Logan's chest repeatedly. Logan gripped her tiny fists and started talking to her quietly. Chloe ignored him and stretched her arms out towards me. My brother, confused as ever, followed her arms and his eyes glazed over once they landed on me.

"Emma." Logan exclaimed, making the receptionist look at him confused. But my brother ignored her completely as he looked at me before a happy smile broke out on his face. "Ben, Jason, look who it is." The boys heads snapped up and I was soon in their eyesight.

"Emmy!!!!" Ben and Jason shouted, the people around us shushing them instantly. I rolled my eyes and we ignored them as I crouched down, my arms open. The boys jumped into my arms, shoving their faces into the crook of my neck. I held them tightly, fearing that I would wake up and the old man and Dakota would be waiting. Tears clouded my vision and rolled down my face uncontrollably. I could feel tears falling onto my dress but I honestly care less. I was finally back with my family.

I finally pulled away setting the boys on their feet before standing upright. Logan was watching us with a smile. He handed Chloe to Jason before pulling me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his chest. My tears were staining his shirt but like I said before, none of us cared. "I missed you, so flippin' much." Logan whispered to me. I smiled, giving him a squeeze.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you all, even Zach's smartmouth and Maverick and Kong's bickering." I whispered back, making Logan smile. After what seemed like eternity, Logan pulled away before placing Chloe in my arms. I smiled down at her, stroking her cheek with my pointer finger. Chloe grabbed my finger before stuffing it in her mouth, covering it in her baby salvia. I laughed, shaking my head.

I'm almost home.

Falling - Daniel Seavey ✔Where stories live. Discover now