CH 9

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I was sitting in the living room with Harmony in Zach's house just watching something with Reese since I was still sick although I was feeling a lot better than this morning. I heard the door open so I got up and went to see Zach. "Hey how was soccer?"

"Good we won the game." Zach said basically out of breath even though he pretty much just walked from the driveway to his front door but I mean I get it he's tired from soccer. 

"Did your coach make you do laps?" I asked since I felt bad about him being late. 

"No not really," Zach said throwing his bag by the stairs where he usually keeps it. I could see him walking a little slower and slightly limping. 

"Did you fall? You're limping." 

Zach started walking up the stairs trying to act completely fine, "I'm not limping, I'm just a little sore because of the game." I thought that was a little off since usually Zach is never tired after a game but I thought since it was a big game it must of tired him out a little more than usual. 

He went upstairs and I saw Myta come in with pizza which I guess was dinner for all of us. I help her and grab a few things she's holding and bring them to the table. I continued and started help Myta set the table. I said, "I think someone is tired from their soccer game."

She responded quickly, "I don't think it was the game. He was already tired from practice when I went to watch. I heard from his coach he had to do 10 laps for being late." I was surprised Zach lied to me but I'm sure he just wanted to protect my feeling as always. He always thought of me as someone he needed to protect which was nice sometimes but most of the time annoying because I can handle more than he thinks. 

"Oh," is all I said as we finished to set the table, "I'll go tell Zach to come downstairs for dinner."

"Thank you" I heard Myta say before I charged up the stairs. I knocked on Zach's door and opened it as the same time.

I slowly walked in, "Zach are you naked!?!" I asked just in case.

"Kinda! Just don't come into the closet."

"Gotcha." I said and sat on his bed. "Zach did your coach make you do laps today, at all?"

"No." He lied right to my face. Zach came out in an old soccer t-shirt and sweatpants.

I stood up and slapped his shoulder, "You lying little idiot! You did do laps! 10 of them to be exact."

"Okay so I was off by a few laps no big deal. Now c'mon I'm starving." Zach said trying to play it off.

I saw Zach bolting down the stairs but of course I couldn't catch up, "Zach!" He just ignored me. Harmony was bouncing off the walls like she was high on sugar. I picked her up and brought her to the kitchen, "Zach how many times did you walk Harmony today?"

"One..." Zach said quietly knowing we have to take her on at least 2 or 3 walks a day. Since it was Zach's day it was his responsibility.

"Zach!" I grabbed Harmony's leash and put her down trying to keep her still so I can give her a walk before it gets to dark to see anything. "I'll take her on a walk I'll be back. Tell Myta I'm leaving." I told Zach. 

"No I'll go with you, you can go by yourself it's already dark out."

"Not really it's just not bright outside."

"I'm coming, don't fight about it. Now let's go before it gets even more dark." We got our shoes on and told Myta where we were going. 

We decided to take the shorter route since Zach was tired and it was getting late so we needed to be quick. Also, Zach insisted that we needed to go back to the logs. I didn't think to much about it but I wasn't complaining because I thought that now I could enjoy it a little more since I don't feel sick. "So why'd you lie about the laps?" I said a little sassy.

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