CH 5

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I woke up the next morning and realized the bed was empty. I brush the hair outta my face and look around for Harmony who is nowhere to be seen. I pick up my phone out of habit and feel a folded up piece of paper attached to it.  I unraveled it and read it to myself,

Hey Kaikai I left for soccer already by the time you see this. And don't freak out I let Harmony out in the backyard until you or me could walk her. You can take her if you want she'll need another walk later so I'll go with you then. Just remember to get dressed cause Matt and Brandon are coming over after soccer and you can invite a friend so you're not bored. Also don't forget to eat so you're not mad all day. Love ya I'll see you after soccer. -Zach

The note was really cute to be honest it made me feel special. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair a little bit then went downstairs to the kitchen. I found Myta cleaning up the kitchen, "Morning sleepy girl."

"Morning Myta."

"Zach left for soccer but you can eat some breakfast now if you're hungry. I made breakfast burritos!"

"I'd love some breakfast." Myta got me a plate with some breakfast burritos and a glass of water and I sat at the island in their kitchen on the barstools. I went on my phone and went to text Rylan. "Is it okay to invite Rylan over? Zach said I could invite a friend since he'll be busy with Matt and Brandon."

"Of course she's welcome to come! What about Chloe? I heard she's not leaving until later on today it'll be your last time to hang out before high school." I treated Myta like my own mom. I honestly trusted her so much I felt so comfortable around her. I've known her my whole life and she treats me like her own. 

"Chloe and I aren't really friends anymore..." I said taking a sip of my water. 

Myta kept rinsing the dishes, "Honey tell me all about it. You and Chloe were great friends what happened?"

"I don't even know what happened really. Last night she just started saying stuff about me and telling people I did stuff that never even happened. If she had a problem with me that's fine but she's went out and told everyone about it."

"That's just being immature now. Don't worry about it she doesn't deserve your kind heart Chiara. I'm sure you and Rylan will make new friends at Skyline, friends better than Chloe."

"I hope so."

"Besides if all else fails, you have Zach. Now if he hurts you, you tell me because that boy can only hurt you over my dead body." Myta and I laughed and she cheered me up a little getting me back to myself. "So tell me, any boys you're looking forward to seeing anytime soon?"

Well yeah Myta! Your son! I don't know if I should tell her. I trusted her though and even when I ratted Zach out for saying he was going to my house but instead he went somewhere else she didn't tell Zach I was the one who told her. I decided I had to tell someone, it was getting so bad it hurt not saying anything. "There is," Myta immediately stopped doing the dishes and came over to me, "But please, don't tell Zach. Please!" 

"You know I won't honey. Is it one of his friends?"

"Actually, lately I've been thinking that I like Zach..."

The smile on Myta's face was priceless. She was so happy about it I guess she shipped it as much as everyone else did. "That's amazing I love it! You would be so cute together! Do you know if he likes you too? He did dance with you yesterday."

Myta went back to doing the dishes, "I think he just thinks of us as friends. He only danced with me because we won most likely to get married." 

"I think he'll come around eventually. You know Zach he'll just need more time to realize that you and him could work." 

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