Ch. 39 The True Masters Part 3

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Dr. Light grunted as he set down another failed circuit system. Roll entered his laboratory behind him, holding a cup of coffee. "Are you alright, Doctor?" She asked upon entering.

"Roll, make a weekly reminder that I need to make sure the communications system doesn't go offline five minutes into missions." He answered, running his hands through his clean white hair.

"Very well, sir. Should that be before or after the coffee?"

He looked back at her. "Was that supposed to be a joke?"

She smiled innocently. "I've been experimenting."

He took the coffee with a raised eyebrow. "Perhaps I made you and Rock a little too well."

Roll put her hands at her sides after she was certain all was settled. "Do you need anything else?"

Lowering the cup from his mouth, he stared up at the ceiling. "Right now, I could just use a miracle."

"Well, I'm flattered. You really didn't have to." Wily spun his chair quickly to face the doorway, where he was greeted to the sight of four Robot Masters, none of which were his own.

He quickly stood and stepped in front of Roll, grabbing a wrench instinctively. "What are you doing here?"

"Relax, old man." Flash Man assured. "We're not here to hurt anyone."

"Why on earth should I believe that?"

Bubble Man shrugged. "To be honest, you shouldn't. My brothers and I have been frequently attacking significant locations and battling Mega Man, and I'm fairly certain you've lost communications with them, so you don't even know if they're okay, so..." He opened his eyes to noticed everyone giving him bizarre looks. "...I'll just stop talking now."

Roll shook her head. "I don't get it. Why are you here?"

Flash Man shrugged. "I dunno. It was Wood Man's idea. Ask him."

The bulky robot stepped forward. "Doctor Light, I recognize that you have experienced great difficulty at the hands of my brothers and I. For that, I deeply and truly apologize. I have been blinded by allegiance to my creator, and I wish to atone for that. I care far too much for life to see it end at my own hands."

Dr. Light didn't move, but his eyes scanned the four of them. "And you all came here...why?"

"We've all got our problems with Wily." Flash Man responded. "Personally, I've never liked the way he operates. He's all about playing games. Sometimes you have to think things through."

Dr. Light slowly loosened himself. "Suppose I believed you. What would you have me do?"

"Whatever you must." Wood Man replied. "We don't wish to hurt you. But our programming is to destroy Mega Man on sight. If you are able to reprogram us, we may at last be free."

Roll looked up at Doctor Light. "Are...are you going to do it?"

Dr. light stared at them, his face filled with anger and conflict. He didn't give an answer.

Heat Man stepped forward, munching on a light bulb. He froze when he looked around. "Oh. I wasn't aware we were just, like, jumping right into it."

"Dude. Put that down." Flash Man knocked the destroyed light out of his hands. "Why do you eat that stuff, anyway?"

"Hey, it takes a lot of energy to spontaneously combust. You think a cup of coffee is gonna do the job?"

"Have you ever tried coffee?" 

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