Ch. 39 The True Masters Part 3

Start from the beginning

No. He assured himself. Now's not the time to think like that. You've got better things to do. You have to keep fighting. For Mega Man.

Bomb Man gathered himself, and sidestepped a fired Crash Bomb before charging his opponent full speed, praying that he'd at the very least make it there before he inevitably died.

An electrical pulse shot down and struck Crash Man, causing the robot to stutter in place. "D-d...d-d-d-d...doh..." He muttered before collapsing.

Bomb Man stood still, staring at his fallen opponent. He wiped his brow. "Right."

Mega Man and Cut Man arrived with Elec Man, whose hand's were still violently sparking.

Bomb laughed. "Thanks for that. He was getting a little annoying."

Cut Man scratched his orange chin. "So what do you think happened to the others?"

"Others?" Bomb Man wondered.

Elec Man nodded. "We only found one more room left like these. We don't know who it is, or what our brothers that are still left are doing."

Mega Man shrugged, loading his buster. "We'll have to trust that they can handle themselves. We don't have time to worry about anything else."

Cut Man shook his head. "That's gonna depend on who's with them..."


The dark room wasn't helping anything, and Fire Man's light could only do so much.

The four found themselves in a new large area, this time with a massive tank-like machine rolling around. Unfortunately, it was mostly dark, which made avoiding both the missiles and the tank itself slightly more difficult.

Fire Man looked at it and shook his head. They needed lighting more than anything.

He looked over at Oil Man (or at least where he thought he was) and called out. "Waddya say we light this candle, gas can?"

Oil Man walked up from behind him. "I like the way you think, brother."

Fire Man was grateful, but a little surprised. "Were you...hidin' behind me, pardner?"

Oil Man raised a hand. "Please. Let's focus on the important."

Oil Man skated quickly up to the machine, getting a lift from Guts Man up above it. From in the air, he pointed down and fired several globs of oil down at his target,  before kicking off of one side to land softly on the ground.

Fire Man took the opportunity, igniting his cannons and launching two fireballs onto the surface, which caused the oil to flare to life with flame. He nodded with satisfaction as they began to adjust to the new amount of light.

What he saw, however, wasn't exactly good.

The machine's top was designed like a robot torso with arms and a head, and the design was very familiar, because it was almost piece for piece Guts Man.

The muscle-bound Robot Master stared in horror at the contraption, which seemed to be cooling down to remove the flames. Guts Man clenched his fists. "My mug! My beautiful mug! Wily took my face and slapped it onto that pile o' scrap!? Well, he's got another thing comin'!"

With a guttural roar, he leaped from his position onto the robot's shoulder and proceeded to beat the living scrap out of it.

Fire Man and the rest simply stared at him for a moment. Time Man spoke up. "So, is anyone going to try to help him or something?"

Oil Man looked at his brother. "You all can feel free. Personally? I like ta keep mah body parts fully attached."

Fire Man watched Guts Man for a few more seconds before commenting, "Yeah, I think he's got this."

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