Rhys Takes Feyre Out

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Ok, so I got left some comments on my first part which I published yesterday. Apparently it wasn't showing up, which I have no idea why. So if this is happening to you as well, please comment and TELL ME, or I'm just gonna be here publishing stories and no one will ever be able to read them (lol).... So anyway. Please comment on how you find this part aaaaaand enjoy!!

(Feyre P.O.V.)

I stood in front of the mirror, heart racing. Of course I trusted Nuala and Cerridwen to make me look the best they could, as they always did, and I didn't doubt them. But I hadn't expected it to be this good either.

Staring at my reflection, I gasped. My hair was open and curled, a waterfall braid beginning at the side of my head and venturing toward the back. Some loose strands had been pulled free deliberately to frame my face. My gaze dropped, taking in the dress. It was.... beautiful. The navy gown was cut perfectly to my size, flowing skirts dropping to my heels. It was sparkly and reminded me of the dress I had worn on Starfall, except prettier. I felt like crying, except that would stain my make-up and leave Rhys to find me in a state.

Are you done yet? he sighed down the bond. I've been waiting for ages.

Busybody. I'm almost ready anyway.

But it can't take you that long. It shouldn't anyway. I'm only taking you out into the city.

I sighed. It's a date, Rhys. You're taking me out. A special day. I have to get ready.

When can I come in to my own room that you shut me out of?

I shook my head, a small smile playing on my lips as I checked myself in the mirror once more. I guess you can come now.

I heard his soft steady footsteps down the hallway, getting closer and closer with each heartbeat. I was nervous for him to see me all dressed up like this. Even if he was my mate. I should've asked Nuala and Cerridwen to cut it down a little, keep it ordinary, but pretty. But there was nothing I could do about it now. All I could do was wait until Rhys saw and hoped he liked it. I braced myself as he rapped on the door softly, then opened it.

He stopped dead in the doorway, taking me in, eyes roving up and down my body. I gave him a look that could mean 'well?'. He wore his usual immaculate black jacket and pants, cut to the fit to show off his muscular body beneath. His sleeves were rolled up and the jacket unbuttoned at the top. My eyes went right to the whorls of tattoo peeking above the neckline of his shirt. When I was done studying him, I lifted my gaze to his eyes. But he was still standing in the same position, eyes stopped dead on me as if he were frozen.

I swallowed. "Shall we go?"

He didn't reply. Kept staring at me. "Rhys?" When he still didn't speak, I went to him, careful of my skirts. I tilted his chin up with a finger until his violet eyes met mine. "Are you OK?" At last, he gulped and I watched the bob of his throat as he did so.

"You. Look. Beautiful."

I blushed and looked down at the floor, unable to meet his intense gaze any longer. Some part of me sighed in relief. When I looked up again, his eyes were still on me and he gave me a half smile. I just offered a small; shy smile and stepped closer to him, flicking a raven-black curl off his forehead. He noted the movement and put his arms around me, leaning in close to whisper in my ear. The word was short of a breath and tickled my ear, "Ready?"

I frowned at him in warning, "Don't let the wind ruin my hair."

"I might accidentally-" I slapped his hand away as it came to my hair. His predatory smile just grew even wider.

"Don't," I growled, "Or you will pay."

His smile turned sweet. "Don't worry. I won't let anything ruin your hair."

I turned to look him fully in the eye. "Promise?"

"Promise." Unmoving will shone in those eyes.

I stared at him for a moment longer, then leaned in closer to him. "Then let's go."

"I'm not entirely sure Velaris is ready for you," he said, holding me tighter as he whisked us away into wind and shadows.

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