32. sacrifice - mike hanlon

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Yes: [✔️] ; by @Fangirl4220
No: []

Song?: No

a/n: i have this weird headcanon where pennywise is kind of sarcastic so i incorporated a bit of that into this imagine.

"Hello?" a quiver came from the Violet's voice as she moved the flashlight around slowly. "Is anyone here?" She shivered, rubbing her arms. Her tee shirt beneath her overalls did nothing to keep her warm in the dark sewers.

Her feet splashed in the graywater, making it slosh onto her sneakers. She continued forward through the tunnels, silently regretting coming down here. Violet was tired of being terrorized by this damn clown. She was tired of her friends being terrorized by this clown. She had to do something.

Violet was different in a lot of ways. She found herself being picked on by some of the kids at school, mostly by Greta Keene and the Bowers Gang. It was all because of the way she looked. It was all because her skin wasn't the same color as theirs. She received the same discriminatory treatment as Mike Hanlon, the homeschooled boy.

The girl had always struggled with the way she looked. Even though she was extremely pretty with her chocolate-colored skin and short brown hair that was so dark it was almost black, she couldn't see it. She despised her braces, and she was taller than most girls, though most of the boys still stood at least a few inches taller than her.

There were a lot of people, however, who didn't look down on her because of her appearance. She had found friends in some of them. Dear friends that she cared about so much. The Losers Club. The seven of them all cared about her. And she cared about them too. Which is why she had to do this.

Violet turned down a new corridor and she stepped out into a wide-open room. The walls connected in a circular and were gray and dreary, and water collected in puddles scattered around the area. A large pile of mismatched items grew up into a mountain, leading up to the only source of light, which was an old barred up well, that probably hadn't been used in years. However, the part that frightened the girl the most were the bodies floating in the air, almost like magic. They circled the mountain slowly, and if Violet didn't know better, she would've thought they were dead.

"Hello?" she called out again, voice weak and uneven. "Is anyone here?" No response came once again. She continued to walk around the room, looking for any sign of someone. The flashlight's beam was shooting all across the room as her hand shook.

The sound of a pipe falling from the mountain behind her made her tense up and turned around. She gripped the light with both hands, trying her best to be brave. She sighed in relief, spinning back around.

The demonic face of the clown was only a few inches away from hers, an evil grin on his lips as he bent to her height. Violet jumped back with a screech, throwing her flashlight at him. The metal object hit him in the face. "Now that wasn't very nice," he said, taunting her grimly.

He took a step towards her, to which she took a step back. This continued until Violet was up against one of the walls, and It was watching her with his psychotic eyes. "Stay away from me," she spat out, trying to sound intimidating.

"Why would I do that?" he asked, toying with her, making her believe she might be safe for a while longer. "You came down here, calling for me, didn't you, Violet?"

Violet shuddered at her name coming out of his mouth. "I came to offer you a deal," she responded, keeping her voice strong and even. It's face looked almost shocked, but he quickly returned to his scary demeanor. "I know you're not going to be here much longer. You're going to disappear for a long time."

It glared at her, but continued to stare at her, not making any move to hurt her. Yet, anyways. "Clever, clever girl," he chuckled. "What sort of deal might you be offering?" his high-pitched voice stung her ears, but he didn't care.

"You leave my friends alone," she started, and the clown scoffed, clearly insulted. "And, you can kill me. Kill me, and then go back into your damned hiding. Just leave my friends alone."

It analyzed her for a moment, then laughed. He laughed at her. Then, he narrowed his eyes, an evil glint in them. "Tempting, tempting indeed. I can feel the fear in you. You're trying to cover it up, aren't you? Trying to seem brave? Shame, really, that you aren't strong enough to do that," he whispered demonically at her, coming closer.

Violet pressed herself against the wall as far as she could, but to no avail. It grabbed her arms, scratching her skin with jagged nails. "Violet!" someone shouted, the voice echoing off the walls. Before Violet could turn her head, It threw her over his shoulder, her face banging into his back as he stood up to his full height. "Let her go!"

"You're too late! You're all too late!" he began laughing manically, like an asylum patient. "She's mine! Mine to kill and feed on her flesh! I'll take her and only her! Leave or I'll kill all of you!" He held her legs in a tight grip.

Tears began to roll down Violet's face, but she stopped sniffling when she saw someone come towards her. Mike. He held a finger to his lips as he silently walked towards her, sharp iron rod in hand. He raised it and slammed it into It's back, causing him to cry out in pain and drop Violet onto the cold ground. Mike grabbed her arm, pulling her up and away from the clown.

The others jumped in on attacking the clown, hitting him with various items they pulled from the mountain. Mike pulled Violet to the other side of the mountain, hiding her from It. "Are you okay?" he asked, kneeling in front of her sitting from. She nodded, so he continued, with a stern voice. "Why on earth would you do something like this?"

"I was trying to save you guys. All of you," she admitted. "I was tired of being afraid of this stupid clown. I was tired of all the hate and fear from everyone. I wanted it all to stop."

Mike wrapped his arms around the girl, holding her close to him. "You didn't have to do this alone, Violet," he whispered. "I couldn't live myself if the girl I loved died," he added, in a voice that sounded like she wasn't meant to hear that.

"You love me?" she asked, making the boy embarrassed. She had never known that he had a crush on her. She had to admit that she had also liked the boy but pushed her feelings aside to save him and her friends. Mike nodded in response. She lightly placed her lips on his, kissing him softly.

"Now, if you are done, we would appreciate some thanks for killing that clown," Richie's voice rang out to the two, causing them to pull apart. They shared a look, one that held more meaning than could be said. "You're welcome." Richie continued, making them laugh as they stood up.

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