10. truth or dare - henry bowers

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"Richie, I swear to God, if you don't stop eating my ice cream, I will stab you!" [Y/N] cried, hitting the boy's hand away from her [i/c/f] ice cream. Richie glared at her as he licked his cone, melted chocolate dripping down the side.

Eddie scrunched up his nose. "Why would you want to eat after someone anyways?" he asked, holding his cone close to his body. "Did you know, there are more germs in a person's mouth than any other place on their body, including their hands? Her ice cream is a living disease right now."

"Shut up, Eddie," Richie snapped. [Y/N] leaned across the table and rubbed her cone on the boy's face, making him shriek. "Good one!" Richie gave the girl a high five.

[Y/N] got up from the table and threw her ice cream away, after eating most of it. "Okay, seriously, this sucks," she told her friends as she sat back down next to Richie. "I'm so bored!"

Stan glanced away from Eddie, who was clawing at his face with a bundle of napkins and hand sanitizer, and turned his attention to the girl. "Well, what do you suggest?"

[Y/N], who was not used to getting her way with her friends, since she was the only girl, didn't expect to get this far. "Uh, I, I don't know," she stumbled over her words, as she racked her brain for an idea.

"How about truth or dare?" Richie suggested, rubbing his hands together mischievously. When [Y/N] gave a look, and mumbled under her breath, he narrowed his eyes at her. "Well, you don't seem to have any other ideas."

"Fine, whatever. Truth or dare, Richie, and remember, you can't ask the person who asked you next," the girl smirked, turning to the boy, who was not expecting her to do that. Richie looked pained as he decided which to choose. "Come on, motormouth, we don't have all day."

Richie elbowed her. "Shut it." He shook his head. "Dare."

[Y/N] smiled, making Richie visibly gulp. The five friends (Bill, Stan, Eddie, Richie, and [Y/N]) had only played truth or dare once before, and it did not end pretty: Eddie was crying, surrounded by a pile of tissues and peanut butter; Bill ended with a bee sting on his tongue, and could barely talk; Stan went home with half a shirt and his pants stapled to his backpack; Richie had a black eye from [Y/N] and a shaved head; and [Y/N] broke her hand along with having her bra duct-taped to her shoes. Richie was scared.

"I dare you to go back up to the counter and order another ice cream," she snatched Eddie's hand sanitizer from his hand, "then pour this over it and take a bite in front of the workers."

Richie's face contorted, but he took the bottle and scooted out of the booth. The friends watched as Richie asked for a second scoop, paying for it at the register. As soon as he was handed it, he popped open the hand sanitizer and dumped some on. He grimaced then licked up some, as the workers looked at him in horror and disgust. When he walked back over, [Y/N] patted him on the shoulder and the game continued.

After twenty minutes: Richie had eaten sanitizer, then sprinkled pepper down his pants; Eddie had spilled that he had kissed his cousin when he was five, and then licked a trash can, before crying; Bill told the group that he had used to be in love with Betty Ripsom in fourth grade, and he smashed an ice cream cone onto his face, reluctantly; Stan revealed that he once kissed Richie's sister, and that he set [Y/N]'s backpack on fire once; and [Y/N] said that she had never kissed a boy, which shocked them all.

The game got interesting when Richie turned to [Y/N]. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," [Y/N] answered. Normally, she would play safe and pick truth, but every once in a while, she chose dare. She watched as Richie glanced out the window, and then smirked as he turned back around. She could tell by his face that whatever he was about to say had to do with the people standing across the road: the Bowers Gang.

Richie leaned his head on his arm. "[Y/N], I dare you to go outside and," the whole group was on the edge of their seats. "Kiss Henry Bowers."

[Y/N] gasped, before flicking her [e/c] eyes out at the bully outside. She thought he would tell her to punch him or something, but not kiss him. Truth be told, [Y/N] didn't hate Henry as much as her friends did. He never really picked on her for some reason. The other boys tried to tell Richie that he was insane, but [Y/N] spoke up. "No, I'll do it."

"Are you cuh-crazy?" Bill exclaimed, making Stan nod his head. The girl shook hers in response before standing up and walking out the door. "She is duh-duh-definitely crazy."

[Y/N] looked both ways before crossing the road. She fiddled with her hands, nervous and not sure what to do. She glanced back at the window, where all four of the boys were staring out at her. She took a deep breath before stepping over to Henry Bowers and his friends. "Bowers!" she called, making the four boys turn their heads.

Belch tried to go to her, but Henry stuck his hand in front of him. He was shocked to see [Y/N] [L/N] walking towards them, a determined look on her face. "What do you want," he asked, as the girl stopped in front of him.

To say that she intrigued him was an understatement, because he found her quite fascinating. He avoided her most of the time, which included refraining from roughing up her loser friends. He hoped it impressed her; it didn't, but she had noticed his change of ways, and sometimes gave him small smiles in the halls. There were things [Y/N] never told her friends, and her somewhat odd relationship with Henry Bowers was one of them.

Patrick, Victor, and Belch stared her down as she stumbled over her words. "Spit it out," Patrick snapped, and Henry glared at him.

[Y/N] and Henry held eye contact for an uncomfortable amount of time, neither of them breaking it, however. "I'm sorry," [Y/N] spat out quickly.

"What are you-," Henry never got to finish before the girl stood on her toes, grabbed his neck, and smashed her lips onto his. He was stunned for a moment, but then he kissed the girl back, holding her against his mouth. The boys in the ice cream shop, and the Bowers Gang, all watched as they kissed each other. They waited for them to break apart, but they didn't.

[Y/N] pulled away and stared up at the boy, who didn't look so mean anymore, but vulnerable and even a bit kind. Henry gave a look to his friends, and they left immediately, and [Y/N] watched as her own exited the shop and walked in a different direction. She would have to talk to them later, because she knew they would be pissed.

"You kissed me back," [Y/N] said, making the boy look at her strangely. "What?"

Henry raised his eyebrows. "I don't think that's the question that should be asked. Why did you kiss me?"

[Y/N] shrugged. "It was a dare," she explained, lowering her eyes to the ground. She didn't want to tell him, because she knew, after seeing him like this, that it would hurt him. "But, I think I wanted to do it, too."

Henry smirked at her. "You wanted to?" His cocky attitude was back, and she shoved his shoulder. He laughed and a genuine smile appeared on his face. "I'm kidding," he continued, his voice soft. "Maybe I wanted to, too." [Y/N] smiled. "Maybe you'd want to grab something to eat tomorrow?"

[Y/N] rolled her eyes. "Wow, you don't waste time, do you, Bowers?" He shrugged. "I don't know," she answered.

"C'mon," he smirked. "I dare you."

[Y/N] laughed. "Alright," she replied. "Tomorrow night." He nodded with a grin before placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"See you around," he winked before heading off to find his friends.

[Y/N] stood on the side of the sidewalk, before shaking her head with a chuckle. "That game really does get out of hand, doesn't it?" she whispered to herself. And to herself, she replied, "Oh, but in the best of ways."

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