Mrs Kvyat {Daniil Kvyat}

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So this was a scenario that I randomly picked out and a random driver, who just so happens to be one of my favourites 😍 I hope you enjoy


"Hey Dany, what you doing today?" I asked giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, erm, not much, just hanging with the guys, you?"

"I am going to go shopping, Hey is everything okay?"

"Yeah it's great why wouldn't it be" he gave a fake laugh and shrugged his shoulders, I just replied with a confused look.

"Okay, well I'm going to go now, see you later, I love you"

"I love you too"

With that I left the house.

Daniil's POV

With that she left, I let out a huge sigh of relief, this thing was killing me. I can't keep secrets! I heard a knock at the door, I knew it was one of the guys.

"It's open!"

"Hey man, how's it going" my former Australian teammate asked.

"I am so nervous it's killing me"

"Hey it's a big day"

"Yeah no kidding!"

"So what's your plan"

"We're going out for dinner, then I'm going to take her down to the beach, because that's where we first met and then I'll ask her"

"Okay, so why are you nervous?!"

"Oh I don't know because there's a slight chance she'll say NO"

"Dany, I doubt that! Y/N loves you! She's at every race, who was there when you got demoted?"

"Yeah thanks Daniel, great pep talk"

"You know what I mean, she's always there for you because she loves you"

"You're right"


Later that evening (Y/N POV)

"Dany, what are doing about dinner I'm starving"

"Well as it turns out I'm taking you out tonight"  he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.

"Ohhh where?!"

"That new fancy Italian place down the road"

"Wow, what's the occasion?"

"Can I not treat my beautiful girlfriend to a nice meal!"

"You can"

"Go get all dressed up, reservation is at 7"

"On it chief"

I walked over to my closet and look for something fancy to wear. Then I noticed the baby blue crochet dress I had bought today. I laid it out on the bed with my nude heels.


"This place is amazing!"

"Only the best for you, did I mention how beautiful you look"

"Only a couple times" I gave him a quick wink.

Our hands were playing with each other on the table, the other hand was holding wine. We were telling each other stories from when we were younger, we were both laughing and everything was perfect.


After dinner we walked along the beach, the warm summer night was so relaxing. Suddenly Daniil had taken his hand away, I was slightly scared about what was about to happen, he brushed the front of his shirt and took hold my hand again with both of his. He was now facing me, we had stopped walking.



"This place right here, is where we first met. You were here on vacation, you never thought in a million years you would be here in Monaco but yet you were. I accidentally bumped into you and caused you to drop your drink on the floor. You were so cool about it, and you even let me buy you another, we sat at the bar for hours just talking and I knew in that moment I just had to make you mine forever. You were only here for 1 more day and I wasn't just going to let you go. I remember about a month into our relationship you admitted to knowing to who I was the whole time and you thought I'd be mad at you for lying but it only made me happier because you understood what my job meant. You have stood by me through the good and the bad, you've been there for all my loses and all my victories, even when you couldn't be at a race you still watched. You learnt to speak in Russian for me. I couldn't have asked for anyone more perfect"

Tears were now streaming down my face, I had no idea what was happening but everything was amazing. All of a sudden Dany dropped to one knee, my left hand in his, my right hand covering my mouth.

"Y/N... Will you marry me"

"Yes Yes Yes a thousand times yes!"

He sprung up and placed the ring on my finger, it was silver with a huge diamond I'm in the middle.

"I can't believe I'm going to be Mrs Kvyat"

"Believe it because you are"


Oh imagine

Sorry I haven't published, I have been working my arse off at work but I'm back with two days off so I will be writing more!
I really hope you enjoyed this!


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