Hungover in Budapest {Lance Stroll}

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This is part 2 to "drunk in Budapest" hope you enjoy!
This part will contain swearing so please be aware
Also YDJ = your desired job... I didn't want to just put anything so why not let you decide!

I was awoken from my very deep sleep by my friend knocking on my bedroom door.

"Y/N there's someone here to see you"

"If it's not the queen of England tell them to piss off" I groaned as I pulled the covers over my face, turning over so my back was facing the door.

"I'm not quite the queen of England but hopefully I'll do"

I heard the familiar Canadian accent. It could only be 2 people. Justin Bieber or Lance stroll. The likelihood that it was Justin Bieber was slim. My eyes widened as I slowly began to remember little segments of the night.

"Do not look at me I have no makeup and I'm hanging out my arse!"

He let out a little laugh.

"You took your makeup off in front of my last night and I've seen you drunk."

I sighed, I began to sit up as I pulled the covers off my face.

"Wow you look like shit" he said jokingly.

I threw my pillow at him, he hit it away instantly.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked, slightly puzzled as I had thought I'd never see him again.

"Wanted to check you didn't die in your sleep"

"Well I'm pretty sure I'm alive... barely" I rubbed my head. The headache I was about to get was inevitable.

"Also, I thought you didn't get hangovers?" He smirked at me, I gave him the death glare back.

"Come on let's get breakfast, you need some food to soak up that alcohol"

"Whhhhhyyyyyy" I groaned, I wasn't entirely sure I could walk.

"Just go get dressed and stop being a baby"

I gave him the middle fingers as I walked backwards into the bathroom, earning laughs from the Canadian.

I quickly wiped over my face and put on some makeup. That was definitely an improvement. I chucked on my shorts and a top that I had in my suitcase, paired with my white vans.

"Ready?" He asked

"No but I'm hungry"

"No you're in Hungary" he wiggles his eyebrows at me, I just shook my head.

"Stick to driving Stroll"


We had found a little British cafe. I ordered a full English, as did Lance.

"So tell me about yourself Y/N"

"What do you want to know?"

"How you got into Formula One"

"My parents, my dad mostly, he never missed a race if he could help it, I just grew up with it, just seemed normal."

"What's your favourite team?"

I choked on my water.

"I take it not Williams" he gave me a quick wink.

"I meeeeean they're not my first choice but I definitely support them, they're a British team"

"Nice save"

"It's true!"

Our food finally arrived, and it smelt amazing!

"So what do you do for work?"

"I'm in (YDJ)"

"That's pretty cool"

"Not as cool as being an F1 driver though"

"No that's true, nothing is as cool as being an F1 driver"

I laughed at his response.


After we had finished eating we took a walk along the water, Lance showed me a few sights. It was such a lovely day, the sun was shining and the air was still.

"So Y/N, do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, I'm single, English boys aren't exactly... mature shall we say"

"That shocks me really"

"Why's that?"

"A girl a beautiful as you hasn't been taken yet"

"If it's meant to be it will be" I shrugged my shoulders looking down at the ground.

We had stopped next to the water so I could take a couple photos.

"There's something I'd like to do"

I looked at Lance confused

"And what's that?"


Before I knew he grabbed my face and pulled me closer to his, his lips were touching mine, once I realised he was kissing me I kissed back. This was actually happening to me right now! He slowly pulled away. Shock still present on my face. I smiled at him. I linked my arms with his and cuddled into it.

"What you doing for the summer?" Lance looked down at me.

"Nothing I won't be working"

"Great you can spend it with me, treat you how you should be treated"

"I'd like that"

We kissed one more time before we continued to walk along the water.


Hope you enjoyed. I don't think I'll write anymore parts to this unless someone requests it 🤷🏼‍♀️

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