Peter - The horrors of Homecoming (2)

Start from the beginning

There was a cracking behind you and you jumped, blinking a few times to clear your eyes. The view in front of you began to take shape, what you had once throught to be pitch black now morphing into a dimly lit warehouse.

"Hello, Y/N."

You jumped and tried to turn your head, wincing as a splitting headache burst in your temples. There was a cold laugh.

Squinting through your streaming eyes, you felt your blood chill when you saw Toomes standing about a metre away, his back to you as he worked on something at a table. He was no longer wearing his Vulture wings yet the menacing gleam in his eyes was enough on its own to send a jolt of fear through your body.

You began to struggle, desperately trying to get to your feet only to find that there seemed to be chains wrapped across your body that bound you to the leg of the metal table Toomes was working on.
Looking around in confusion, you tried desperately to hold back your tears.
"What are you going to do to me?"

Toomes chuckled, taking a swing from a beer bottle that was balanced on the table. "You? Oh, nothing. You're just bait."

Your eyebrows furrowed.

"Bait for who?"

Toomes grinned widely, finally turning his head properly to look at you. "Don't play dumb with me, Y/N. We both know who I'm waiting for."

You shook your head, your bottom lip trembling as you tried to hold back your tears. "Please," you whispered, your voice choked, "please don't hurt him."

Toomes laughed loudly, and made his way towards you, kneeling down before your trembling form. Gently, he placed his fingers underneath your chin and tilted your head up ever so slightly.

"Oh, Y/N. The only way Peter will get hurt is if he doesn't comply."

Tears began to roll down your cheeks as you looked up into the eyes of your best friend's father. Slowly you tried to shake your head but he just smiled, reaching into his pocket to get something.

"Now, he started, showing you what he held in his hand, "I'm going to need you to stay quiet. Can you do that?"

Your eyes widened as you saw the strip of grey fabric that he held between his fingers and your pulled desperately on the chains that tied you down, with no luck. Toomes smiled idly as he reached around your head with the fabric, forcing it between your teeth as he did so.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," he said as he tied a knot behind your head, securing the gag, "I did like you. I really did. After hearing everything Liz has said about you, I know that you're a nice girl. It's just that ... I need to stop Peter from interfering in my life and you're standing in the way of that."

Turning to the table, he picked up a small, black box from it. Your eyes widened and you frantically began to struggle again, pulling so hard at the chain that bruises began to form all along your arms and torso.
Toomes watched you stoically, his dark eyes cold.

"You know," he said, kneeling down again and holding up the object in his hand, "I'm not a big fan of tazors. Primitive if you ask me. But, I have to admit, they are useful for one thing." He grabbed your upper arm tightly, insantly stopping your struggling, and gave you a sympathetic smile.
"Hold still, Gumdrop." With that, he pressed the tazor to your stomach, watching sadly as you writhed from the volts of electricity that coursed through your body.


Peter's footsteps were quiet as he made his way through the dark warehouse. His heart was still pounding after his fight with 'The Shocker' and then his disastrous rampage through New York in Flash's stolen car and he couldn't stop worrying about Y/N. When he had left her, she had looked terrified and he couldn't help the guilt that was building inside him for abandoning her. 

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