Running X and X More Running

Start from the beginning

"yeah no problem and I don't know. Hey Killua why you staring at us like we are crazy?" Gon asked innocently

"what do you mean by about to go into bloodlust?" He asked me 'wait you can understand me?! he can understand me?! OH MY GOD YAY!!!!" I say in excitement then hug both of them .

"you see anyone who can understand her she absolutely adores she believes anyone who understands her is 'worthy' of her actaully talking to" Gon explains 

"Oh that makes sense I guess" Kilua shrugs.Right then we saw Leorio-san start to slow down rather rapidily I meant add.Then he stopped and we stopped too just waiting for him to continue on with the test. He stayed there for a minute I couldn't even untangle his thoughts but I did add a couple of positive thoughts. Aftrer awhile Leorio-san got a look of determination in his eyes and then started to run even faster then before 'way to go Leirio-san we can do it' I thought  as he ran past us, Then Gon did his fish pole trick to retrieve Leorio-sans suitcase, and we started to run again. 

"Cool! you have to let me try that later" Killua exclaims

"Only if you let me try your skakeboard trick okay?" Gon replies

"Hey do you  guys want to have a race?" Killua asked when he said that my face lit up with a grin.

"you just had say race didn't you?" Gon says while pointing towards me.

'yeah okay and the loser has to pay dinner okay? let's start you call it G-o-n' I signed in a rush of joy and mischeive.

"okay but don't say i didn't warn you. 1......2.........3..... GO!!" He says. as we take off with them running at full speed and me just running not at my lowest but not my highest just a medium speed. We started going up stairs getting closer to our goal. Then we saw  Kurapaka and Leorio looking like abunch of clowns, no offense Hisoka.

"see you at the goal Kurapaka"Gon says to Kurapaka

"catch you later old timer" Killua says to Leorio-san  

I'm not old I am a teenager like you are!"Leorio exclaimed. Which caught me and everyone else off guard and I almost fell but right when I was about to hit the pavement a hand grabbed me and pulled me back up, I look up to see that Kurapaka caught me.

"thank you Kurapaka-san"I whispered with a tint of pink on my cheeks, But then I look up and see Killua and Gon has left me and started(1000 mark) to race again."Thank you again but I must go or i will have to buy dinner bye see you later" I whispered and bowed before going at full speed to pass them. I got  to the top firsteven before the examiner so I waited for everyone else to come out and appearently Gon and Killua didn't notice me pass them or even my presence there.

"Yay! I won" Gon exclaimed

"What are you talking about? I was faster!" Killua retorted

"No, I was"

"I was"

"No i was "

"hey sir who got here first me or him" Killua asked

"I believe it was her she was her way before even I was" He says well pointing towards me. As i just  shyly waved as they noticed I was just leaning against Rin. 'Hi how are you two?' I asked shyly.

"When did you get here or pass us we thought you were behind us " they said the similarly.

'oh i don't know 'I say as i started to get up and walk over to them.'maybe after you tried to leave me behind?' I say as i smacked both of them on the head HARD. 

"HEY what was that for?" they yelled.

' I don't know maybe because YOU TRYING TO LEAVE ME!' I signed and then smacked them again. 'If you even try to do that again i will hurt both of you and YOU g-o-n I wouldn't ever cook for you again' I threaten.

not in this lifetime? (hunter x hunter x oc) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now