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Justin's Confessional: I'm sitting here with a blank f**kin' mind right now. So, this whole time I've been having feelings for a dude? I don't even know how to feel right now. Like, I'm not a homophobe or anything, its just I'm not like that, AT ALL!!! But at the same time, I'm not gonna lie, I'm really feeling like it could be something with us. Like I really like her...him? Or whatever. This is all new to me, I don't know what to do. I guess I'm just gonna hear her out, because right now, my mind is blown.

Justin's POV: "Well.....I'm transgender". Was the only thing that was going through my mind. "You're what....?" I questioned, confuzzled as hell right now, with a hint of anger in my voice. "I knew you were going to act like this, that's exactly why I don't date. Getting my hopes up for a nigga". She said, getting up from her seat, leaving a $20 bill to cover the check. First of all, I'm not going to let her pay for anything, especially when she with me. "Ahja, please sit down. I'm willing to hear you out. Like, I'm really feeling you but, I need to be educated on this topic". I said, trying to calm her down and to get her back to her seat. When I got her to sit back down, she had her head down like she was disappointed or something. So, I grabbed her by the chin and lifted her head up so that we are eye to eye. "Now, tell me". "Its just.....I've always stayed behind the scenes when it came to dating, just because I was afraid of finding the right one and having to tell them that I am trans." She said. On the verge of tears. "Knowing how you felt then, I want to make you the special person in my life. I really like you, despite who you were. I'm just focused on the now, and with that being said, I really wanted to spend the rest of the day with you. Maybe we can hit up the mall and do a little shopping?"I asked, seeing if she was down. "I guess so, lets get outta here". She said, shrugging her shoulders and cheering up a little bit. See, I like seeing that beautiful smile. "You know, you have a beautiful smile". I said, making her blush. As we're getting up, I leave a $50 bill to cover the bill and a tip for the waiter.
After the Mall......etc

Ahja's Confessional: After spending the day shopping, going to the arcade, going to the movies, and out to eat, I can honestly say that I had fun. I mean, Justin is such a gentleman. He opens the door, and wanted to spend his life savings on me but, I'm not a gold digger so I didn't allow it. I mean, What girl wouldn't appreciate this? The gifts and the dates are fun and all, but I don't want this to run our relationship. I'm not a materialistic girl, I'm very down to earth. Enough of what I'm talking about, we're on the way dropping me off......

Ahja's POV: We're in the car taking me home and honestly, Justin has been mute since we left the movies. I want to know what's wrong?
"Hey.....Justin, what's wrong, you've been too quiet?" I asked, concerned. "Nah, I'm good. Just got something on my mind". He said, like he was trying to hide something from me .
"Well....I'm always here if you want to talk" I said. "Thanks ma, I know you got me". He said, smiling softly. When he said that, I felt at ease but, I just know it's something hindering him. Welp......he's gonna have to tell me sooner or later. Right now, we're pulling up at my condo.
Ahja's Condo.....

Justin's Confessional: As I am driving, I didn't realize that I was so quiet until Ahja said something. I just basically told her that I was good and nothing was wrong. Truth is.....
something is wrong. I'll tell y'all later though, right now we're pulling up to her crib.

Justin's POV: After parking and putting the car in park, I get out and went over to the passenger side to let her out. "Thank you, Justin". She said smiling. "No prob". I said, guiding her to the door. When we get to her door, she turn around and look at me. Then she started talking, "I really had fun tonight. Maybe we can do this some other time." She said, smiling but I can tell that she still wanted to know what was wrong with me. "That good. I'm glad I mad it worth your while". I said, putting on a fake smile. "I guess this is goodnight?" She question, looking down. I lifted he head up by her chin and said, "What I say about putting your head down? I like to see your beautiful face". With that, I gave he a warm hug, moving my hands down to her ass until she broke the hug. "Damn". I thought. "See you later". She said unlocking he door, entering her house. "Bye lil mama, take care." I said, with my head down feeling bad that I didn't tell her what was wrong with me. Walking back to my car, I was getting an incoming call from my baby mama, Monique.
Phone Conversation.......

Me: Wassup Monique, what ya need?

Monique: Who said I needed something nigga? I was calling because your son wants to talk to you.

Me: I'm not gonna argue wit ya ass right now. Let me talk to my son

Josiah: *Baby sounds* Daa Daa?

Me: Wassup minnie me? How's daddy's lil mam doing?

Josiah: *Baby sounds* gaah

Me: Daddy gone come get you this weekend, and we are gonna have fun. You ready?

Josiah: *Baby sounds* *claps*

Me: Alright lil man, let me talk to your mama

Monique: Mhmmm? What you want nigga?

Me: First of bit.....girl, don't play with me. I was just trying to see how's he doing. But you wanna play games and shit like grow yo little big ass up.

Monique: Yeah Yeah niggga. F**k what you talkin *GCO*

Me: BITCH BYE!!!!! *Hangs Up*
End of Phone conversation.....

Justin's Confessional: I'm so f**kn' sick of Monique's ass. All she want to do is argue. I'm not with that shit. I'm over her ass. Where is Ahja when I need someone to talk to. Speaking of Ahja, Monique is the reason why I didn't tell Ahja what was wrong with me. Truth and Monique are still f**kin' from time to time. I know y'all prolly got y'all face twisted but, I just don't know how to let her go. She was my first everything. We even got a son together. I don't know. I love Monique but, Ahja is where my head's at right now. How an I gonna tell Ahja that I'm still smashin' my baby mama, and to top it off, we had sex the night I met Ahja. I have really good intentions with Ahja, and I want her to see that. I just don't want Monique getting in the way of what I got going on with Ahja. That's gone be hard considering the fact that we are still f**kin'.
I need a drink. I'm about to call up my boys so we can have a good time. Ight y'all, I got to go.

(A/N): So that's that. Did y'all like it or what? How y'all feeling about the chapter? What will happen if Ahja found out what Justin is doing?





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