It was only a matter of time before my mother came snooping around that week day morning as I had school that day. I can't quite call to mind what she said to me through the locked door of my bathroom. But I remember the tension in her voice, it was unlike myself to lock myself in my bathroom. Soon enough my father came along and demanded that I open the door. But how could I? How could I let them see me with what looked like wings growing out of my back?

It was like a living nightmare when my father began trying to break down the door. I frantically began throwing the bloody plyers into the tool box and the blood stained towels that I had used to staunch some of the blood. But all my actions were done in vain as my father eventually bust down the door and found my shriveled up in a corner with the bloody nubs protruding through my back like some sort of sick disease.

I can't say for certain that they stopped loving me then. But they certainly began treating me different. I was no longer their prized first born. I no longer attended as many family gatherings and formal parties. I was pulled out of my tennis lessons and even school itself. I was homeschooled by a grey haired tutor named Martha. My father couldn't have me tarnishing his reputation. It quickly became apparent that I was for sure a mutant as aset of magnificent silvery wings fully emerged from my back. While some may see them as beautiful, I only saw them as a curse. To make matters worse I even began growing long silvery talons like some sort of hawk. They were impossible to clip yet I found eventually that I could force them to retract.

My mother even contacted her seamstress who was absolutely brilliant with all fashion apparel. She had her create a sort of leather restraint contraption that went across my chest and lower torso to almost fully confine my wings. When I had my wings fully stretched out they were easily as tall as I was. But if I had them scrunched up they could simply fit into the small section of my back. The leather crafted device could suppress them enough so that they did not protrude from my back as much. Yet it practically made me look like the hunchback of notre dame and I commonly wore long coats to try and hide my deformity. What I would give to go back to my old, normal life was unimaginable.

My parents could never quite look at me the same after that. It was as if some great chasm had formed between us. I could not even look to my brothers for comfort as they too thought of my unplanned mutation negatively. I didn't blame them, I was a complete freak. With time I quickly became secluded and distant from my family and even people in general. I could spend hours and sometimes days locked away from the world within the safe confinements of my room.

It wasn't until I was 12 when somehow my once perfect life took an even darker turn for the worse. On a night out my parents and two brothers had been coming home from a New Year's banquet. Of course I hadn't gone since my parents had pretty simply shrouded me in the false aura that I was very sickly. It wasn't hard to believe as I had caught the flu twice and was hospitalized each time as a child. Although, when my family had been driving home the day they were hit by an 18 wheeler. They never could have stood a chance and all died what have been said to be quick deaths.

I felt completely devastated from their deaths. Even ifI had grown apart from them I still loved them. My mother was still the woman who had nursed me since infancy. My father was still the man who helped my take my first steps into the world. And my brothers would always be the same two soundrals that used to rub burrs in my hair during the spring. Their deaths triggered an even more reclusive and lonesome response from me. I was taken to live at my uncle's house and he was a kind understanding man. I had been friends with his daughter growing up back when we used to have frequent play dates. Yet now I was a little bit more than a wisp of the child I used to be.

When I was just around 13 I was kidnapped. It happened on a cold winter day when they had whisked me away into a white van. Apparently, the rumor about my mutation had become more public news. So much so that an agency called the Void Brigade Recruited me into their ranks. Of course they took me by force to their headquarters that were located in the desolate regions of upper Mongolia near Siberia. The Void Brigade was majorly an illegally based experimentation operation. They specifically experimented upon mutants. Mutants that had been shoved and pushed away by society.

Flightless Bird ( Steve Rogers Romance)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon